Two Point Hospital: 10 Useful Tips & Tricks | Game Rant

Two Point Hospital is gaining some popularity for its zany and often hilarious take on managing a hospital. Players are tasked with attending to a variety of patients’ needs while building and maintaining a hospital from the ground up.

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While it isn’t a particularly difficult game, it can get overwhelming, and players will occasionally be at a loss on what to do. Knowing some key tricks and tips can be what it takes to transform a floundering clinic into a well-oiled machine of medical care.

10 Build As Needed

One crucial tip to keep in mind throughout the game is that the building should only be as big as it needs to be. Expansion, if done too early, can lead to problems and place a financial burden on the player. In the interest of keeping costs down, it’s better to keep things small and simple.

As the player progresses, they’ll start noticing certain issues keep cropping up or discover better ways of handling things. This is the point when expansion should occur, and players should build more. Once the issue is resolved, the player should stop building and wait for new issues to arise.

9 Minimize Travel Time

When building out the hospital, it’s important to consider the flow of traffic and how queues will affect things. Having patients bump into each other leads to delays, which leads to more patients and further delays. Minimizing travel time should be a high priority.

The best way to do this is to build things in succession based on the patients’ needs so they’re funneled away from the entrance and reception. A good example is to keep treatment rooms near diagnostic rooms. Once the patient has been diagnosed, they can progress on to the treatment room and away from any congestion.

8 Keep Cure Rooms Separate

Cure rooms should always be kept separate from other rooms. Once the patient enters this room, their next step is to leave, so having these rooms near the edge of the building ensures they’ll exit without crowding anywhere else.

It may be a good idea to keep cure rooms in an entirely separate building. That way, when they leave, they’re nowhere near the queues, foot traffic, or other patients. Don’t keep them too far from everywhere else, but make sure there’s nothing between them and the door when they’re cured.

7 Advance Your Career

While playing, it’s important to work on completing the various career goals. This is the primary way to unlock various content in this simulation game to improve and expand the hospital. They can also provide cash rewards and valuable Kudosh points.

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Obviously, the priority should be to put out both literal and figurative fires. Once all issues are resolved, the player should immediately look to completing the next goal.

6 Complete Challenges

Challenges are also important to complete as they offer many of the same rewards Career Goals do. It’s a great source of cash and often aligns with expansions and progress the player should be doing anyway.

If a challenge lines up with a career goal, or said goal is going to take a bit, then a challenge is a great thing to do. The player should have set aside some cash for a challenge as they often require having a certain amount of staff, level of training, or facilities. It’s almost always worth completing and will typically recoup any losses.

5 Assign Staff

Staff are vital to keeping the hospital running, and they know it. If a particular need is going unmet, and they’re aware of it, they’ll often step in to help. It’s not uncommon to see nurses doing a bit of janitorial work, for instance.

It’s important to set the parameters of what staff are allowed and not allowed to do. Taking a few seconds to adjust their settings ensures that no one gets distracted. It also ensures everyone stays where they’re supposed to throughout the day.

4 Keep Staff Happy

While it’s important to attend to patients’ needs, it’s arguably more important to ensure staff are kept happy. Unhappy staff can result in negative debuffs that affect their abilities, which can make things worse and result in greater unhappiness.

Players should take some time to adjust pay levels, make sure the staff take breaks, and meet the personal needs of each employee. There are times where staff will have to take the requisite pay hit or go a bit longer before taking a break. The more this can be minimized, the better things will be over the long run.

3 More Staff Than Rooms

One good way to keep staff happy is to ensure there are more staff than there are rooms. This overlap ensures there’s always someone to take over when a particular staff member needs a break. It also guarantees that patients are always being attended to and keeping lines down.

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There are other net positives that occur from having just a bit more staff. A surplus of janitors ensures the building stays clean. Obviously, don’t go overboard and double up on staff, but having a few extra nurses and janitors is never a bad thing.

2 Maintain Equipment

Another reason to keep a surplus of janitors is to make sure all equipment is properly maintained. Things like the Fluid Analysis will break down and start to wear out after repeated use. If this goes for too long, they run the risk of breaking entirely and exploding, which can cause fires.

To prevent the damage and delays of replacing a broken machine, it’s important to ensure things are properly maintained. While most janitors are running around cleaning things, have a few assigned to check up on equipment. It also pays to scan over things to see if anything needs some attention.

1 Stamina & Speed

The most important upgrade for staff is Stamina. Tired staff results in unhappy staff and deterioration of performance. Having a high level of stamina allows them to work longer and harder before getting tired.

The one possible exception to boosting stamina first is with Janitors. These individuals are constantly zipping around the hospital fixing and cleaning things. For them, it might be more beneficial to have their Speed boosted so they can get to things sooner. This is especially important for larger, more spread out hospitals.

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