Bravely Default 2 Gets Final Trailer | Game Rant

Fans of traditional JRPGs in the style of Final Fantasy have much to rejoice over with the advent of Bravely Default 2. Carrying on both its franchise and the torch of classic Final Fantasy titles, it is a much-anticipated release by fans of the previous Bravely Default titles.

A lot has already been revealed about Bravely Default 2. Parts of its world, as well as key players in the form of characters and nations, have been steadily revealed with new trailers. New jobs have also been revealed on a steady basis, although as of this article, not all of the game’s secrets are known. A bit more was revealed, however, after today’s Nintendo Direct.

RELATED: Bravely Default 2 Gets New Trailer and Release Date

The final trailer of Bravely Default 2 doesn’t give much information that was not already known. Instead, it reiterates many of the things fans have to look forward to: beautiful graphics, a new world, and a classic JRPG save the world story. Of course, some of the most important gameplay mechanics, like a plethora of available jobs, were already shown before this. In true Bravely Default fashion, it looks like these must still be acquired by defeating specific bosses.

An entirely new world, of course, does not mean that the Bravely Default formula is being shaken up completely. In addition to the jobs, there’s still a militaristic nation with eyes on world conquest that the main characters must deal with. Four heroes must stop them by protecting four elemental crystals, a staple of both classic Final Fantasy and earlier Bravely Default titles. And, of course, there is almost certainly a deadly twist stemming from ancient forces behind the main plot. What it is remains to be seen, but odds are good it will involve an ancient, divine being.

The Bravely Default 2 combat system remains largely unchanged, which series veterans will like. An evolution of standard turn-based battles, the combat system lets players store additional turns by guarding (default), then spend them to take multiple actions in one turn (brave). It’s a good addition and part of the series’ main appeal.

All in all, things look promising for the game, and it’s possible that the series will go even further from here. Bravely Default 2‘s breakaway from previous title continuity is likely a good thing, as it sets a precedent for future games. This way, the series need not be bound by one world and can develop any way it pleases. There’s an updated free demo out right now, so players are free to check it out and see if it inspires confidence.

Bravely Default 2 releases Feb. 26, 2021, exclusively for the Switch.

MORE: Bravely Default 2’s Job System Borrows Heavily From Final Fantasy Tactics


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