Grand Theft Auto RP Server NoPixel Unbans Twitch Streamer xQc

Félix Lengyel is a personality known for causing more than the occasional rift. The Canadian was fined and suspended multiple times during a stint within the Overwatch League for unsettling behavior, ranging from homophobic remarks to the usage of emotes in what Blizzard noted as a “racially disparaging manner.” Recently, Twitch suspended xQc for stream sniping a rival in a Fall Guys tournament, resulting in the sniped player dropping out of the contest early.

Thus, there were a few raised eyebrows when the controversial figure was accepted into the NoPixel server, which recently launched in version 3.0 hosting an exclusive list of top streamers and personalities under the purview of strict administration that culminates into a rich roleplaying experience for players and viewers alike. This results in a bold degree of separation between reality, and the reality of the NoPixel characters.

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Nonetheless, xQc made his presence known server-wide shortly after being whitelisted into the NoPixel RP server, setting up roadblocks with the largest vehicles he could find to stymie ad-hoc races to interrupt play sessions. His penchant for vehicular deathmatch, where he would drive erratically into other vehicles and players (again attempting to interrupt races), made itself known within the first 24 hours.

The frustrations of others within the server towards the individual came to a head when Summit1G received a mission from an admin by the Los Santos observatory to “put an end to those interrupting the races” while xQc was busy setting up a roadblock on a bridge within the redwoods of northern San Andreas is preparation for a rumored race. The ensuing battle that occurred as Summit1G stumbled upon Felix’s roadblock resulted in two players killed, one of which was xQc in the driver’s seat of a semi-truck.

The event quickly spiraled out of control in both streams: xQc accused the former CS:GO player of stream sniping and not properly roleplaying while simultaneously claiming the race RP was unimportant, and that the involved players should go play FORZA. Summit1G was faced with a slew of angry xQc viewers arriving in his chat with accusations while Summit attempted to downplay and defuse the entirety of the situation. Shortly thereafter, xQc missed a meeting with the admins of the NoPixel server to discuss his behavior within the server, prompting the ban. Now, Félix Lengyel has been unbanned from NoPixel, and players are noticeably anxious to see what antics the streamer will get to next.

Félix’s first day back was yesterday, and the streamer was notably far more relaxed while strolling through Los Santos, getting into the persona of his character. Whether or not this attitude will last is up for debate, one that notably began during the time of his journey within the Overwatch League.

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