Kingdom Hearts: An Introduction To Every Organization XIII Member

Sora and his friends have fought many enemies over the years, such as the heartless and some Disney villains. In the Dark Seeker Saga, which consisted of nine games from the first installment to Kingdom Hearts 3, a lot of the antagonists were members of Organization XIII, a group of nobodies that were led by Master Xehanort.

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Organization XIII first appeared in Chain of Memories, back in 2004. Ever since, some of the members left and were replaced by others. In total, there have been twenty members of the group. Here are some things that all fans of the series should know about each one.

20 Xion

Xion was one of the first replicas that Organization XIII used. Due to her connection to Sora and Roxas, she has the ability to wield a keyblade, which she had used to help the organization collect hearts before leaving them. She was one of the main characters in 358/2 Days and returned in Kingdom Hearts 3 after everyone she knew lost their memories of her.

19 Roxas

One of the main characters in the entire series, Roxas was the thirteenth member of the original organization. Roxas is Sora’s nobody and close friends with Xion and Axel. After leaving Organization XIII at the end of 358/2 Days, he returned to Sora. Like Xion, he returned at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3 and the two now happily live in Twilight Town.

18 Larxene

Larxene was introduced as an antagonist in Chain of Memories as a cruel woman that mocked Sora and his friends. She had planned on betraying the organization before being defeated. Despite her deception, she joined the group again in Kingdom Hearts 3. She is the nobody of Elrena, a kind girl from Union X.

17 Marluxia

Marluxia is Larxene’s partner in crime. In Union X, he was known as Lauriam, one of the Union leaders. After learning that his sister, Strelitzia, was murdered, he searched for the killer with Elrena, Strelitzia’s best friend. The two would eventually join the organization together. Marluxia was also the main villain in Chain of Memories and was fought again in Kingdom Hearts 3.

16 Luxord

Luxord is one of the most mysterious members of the organization. Introduced in Kingdom Hearts 2, he is a gambler that cares much more about playing card games than going on missions. It is heavily theorized that he has a strong connection to Yozora and lived in Quadratum before joining the organization.

15 Demyx

Like Luxord, little is known about Demyx. He first appeared in Kingdom Hearts 2 as both a strong boss and a loveable goofball. As little is known about him, fans have come up with some insane theories surrounding his character over the years, such as the possibility of him being the Master of Masters.

14 Axel

Few members of the organization have had more character development than Axel. He was originally introduced as an antagonist in Chain of Memories and was a main character in 358/2 Days.

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Like many of the original members, Axel lived in Radiant Garden prior to becoming a nobody. He had joined the organization in order to find out where his friend, a girl only known as Subject X, was. In Dream Drop Distance, it was revealed that he could wield a keyblade and used it to fight his former comrades.

13 Saix

Besides Subject X, the only friend Axel had from his childhood was Saix. While Axel turned his back on Organization XIII and made friends with characters such as Roxas, Xion, and Kairi, Saix began to resent him and became one of the group’s most loyal members. However, at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3, he admitted that he was jealous of his old friend and joined him again.

12 Zexion

Before becoming a nobody, Zexion was known as Ienzo, an orphan from Radiant Garden who looked up to Ansem the Wise. Introduced in Chain of Memories, he was an antagonist in Riku’s story that could create illusions. After being defeated, he regretted his actions and helped the Guardians in Kingdom Hearts 3.

11 Lexaeus

Lexaeus was a guard at Radiant Garden that worked for Ansem the Wise before turning into a nobody. He was also close friends with Zexion. When Riku defeated him in Chain of Memories, he returned to the world he guarded and assisted Ansem and Ienzo however he could.

10 Vexen

Vexen was a scientist that worked very closely with Ansem the Wise. When he joined the organization, he worked on the Replica Program, being responsible for the creation of Xion and Riku Replica. After bringing the replicas from the second Organization XIII into the present, he worked behind their backs to bring other replicas to Radiant Garden, which could help the Guardians.

9 Xaldin

Like Lexaeus, Xaldin also worked as a guard for Ansem the Wise. He first appeared in Kingdom Hearts 2 and was a very difficult boss at Beast’s Castle. Since his defeat, he joined Ienzo, Aeleus, and Even, working for their leader once more.

8 Riku Replica

Riku Replica was created in Chain of Memories after Vexen met the real Riku. Despite wanting to be his own person, the organization used him in the battle between the Seven Lights and Thirteen Darknesses. During Kingdom Hearts 3, Riku met another replica of him, who he became friends with. This replica ended up giving the vessel that the organization’s Riku was using to Namine, as he had always wanted to help her.

7 Vanitas

In Birth by Sleep, Ventus was split into two people. The light side of him kept his appearance and name while the dark side, Vanitas, looked like Sora. Vanitas was responsible for creating the unversed and joined the second organization. Fans have been theorizing that Vanitas is also a character called Darkness from Union X due to the most recent updates in the game’s story.

6 Terranort

Terra was a student of Eraqus’ who looked up to Xehanort. However, the leader of Organization XIII was only using him, and possessed him at the end of the game.

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Inside of Terra’s body, Xehanort went to Radiant Garden and became a student of Ansem’s, before betraying him and convincing his comrades to become nobodies with him. He was finally defeated in Kingdom Hearts 3, allowing Terra to return.

5 Xigbar

Xigbar seemed to be the loyal second-in-command member of the original organization, but there is so much more to him than meets the eye. He was the Master of Masters’ sixth apprentice, Luxu, who had taken control of other people throughout the years before becoming Xigbar. He worked very closely with Xemnas. In Kingdom Hearts 3, it seemed that Riku and Sora defeated him, only to bring the Foretellers into the present, revealing that he had a much greater role to play.

4 Young Xehanort

Young Xehanort was introduced in Dream Drop Distance as an important member of the second organization, bringing all of the other members into the same time period. He was defeated in Kingdom Hearts 3, believing that his future self would win the battle and that he’d do the same decades later. With his memory of meeting the Guardians being gone, fans can play as him in Dark Road.

3 Ansem

Ansem the Seeker of Darkness was the final boss in the original game. Players were initially led to believe that he was the ruler of Radiant Garden until they found out that he was Xehanort’s heartless who took Ansem the Wise’s name. Throughout the series, he had a strong connection to Riku, who he had possessed and haunted. At the end of Kingdom Hearts 3, he was defeated and told Riku that he always knew he’d be stronger than the darkness he believed to be so powerful.

2 Xemnas

Before Master Xehanort returned, Xemnas was the leader of Organization XIII. He was the final boss and main antagonist of Kingdom Hearts 2, when he observed the other members of the original group to find out who was worthy of joining the second organization. He was defeated in Kingdom Hearts 3, during the same battle that Ansem and Young Xehanort lost in.

1 Master Xehanort

Master Xehanort was the true leader of the organization and one of the most important characters in the series. Always wanting to forge the X-Blade and learn the secrets of the world, he came up with many strategies to achieve his goal of defending Kingdom Heart’s light. Seeing that the Guardians could do that, he gave up and accepted his defeat.

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