The Medium: 10 Details About The Main Characters You Didn’t Know

The Medium is a new psychological horror game created by Bloober Team, the same developer behind Observer and the Layers of Fear games. The game itself isn’t very long. A player will be able to complete the game from start to finish in roughly eight hours, but in that time span, the game already offers a ton of materials for its players.

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One of the most amazing things about this game is its compelling characters. The roster isn’t very massive either, but the ones that are in the game are so full of incredible details and backstory that every single one of them deserves to be taken a closer look at.

10 Marianne’s Burn Scars

When Marianne was young, the family home she grew up in was burned to the ground by a man named Henry Wilks. Although Marianne survived, her body sustained considerable damage. Thankfully, her wounds would later heal.

This doesn’t mean the incident left her unscathed. As a result of the event, according to hospital reports, about 35% of Marianne’s body is covered by burn marks. The only visible ones are the ones on her left cheek.

9 How Jack Died

During the beginning of the game, one of the few things the player immediately learns is that Marianne’s foster father, Jack, had recently passed away. This becomes a recurring point throughout the game, but it is never fully revealed how Jack exactly died.

The simplest explanation is that Jack died from a disease. In a memory, Jack talks about an upcoming surgery. He either died of that or died because of the illness that made the surgery a necessity. One other explanation, however, has something to do with the Maw. When the monster takes the form of Jack to lure Marianne, Jack’s tie can be later seen in the ruins. This implies that the Maw may have possessed Jack at some point in time, which may cause his condition to worsen, if not killing him right away.

8 Maw Is Voiced By A Renowned Voice Actor

Aside from the characters and story, another amazing aspect of The Medium is its music and voice acting. The talent behind the game’s characters is astounding.

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While everyone in the game did a phenomenal job, one character, in particular, was voiced by an actor any player has undoubtedly heard of already before. The actor in question here is Troy Baker, and he voices the Maw in this game. For the most part, Troy’s voice wasn’t even modulated to make his voice more menacing. Goes to show why the actor is so renowned and acclaimed.

7 Marianne And Thomas’s Appearance Are Based On Popular Polish Actors

Marianne and Thomas are among the biggest and most integral characters in the game, along with Lily and Henry. Marianne and Thomas are voiced by Kelly Burke and Graham Vick, respectively, but the character models and motion capture are provided by other actors who are incredibly popular in Poland.

These actors are Weronika Rosati and Marcin Dorociński for Marianne and Thomas. Weronika Rosati is set to star in NCIS: Los Angeles and Marcin has been in films and shows like Cape Town, Hurricane, and just recently, Netflix’s The Queen Gambit.

6 Tom, Dick, And Harry

Whether unintentional or not, most of the male characters in the game have names that are analogous to the term “Tom, Dick, and Harry” which either means it is a representation of men in general, or it’s referring to a group of people who are unremarkable.

The Tom, Dick, and Harry variations in this game are Thomas, Richard, and Henry. It may just be a cheeky reference made by the developers, or it could just be an accident, given how common those names are.

5 Maw Is The Only Monster That Has A Different Voice From Its Host

As later revealed in the game, the Maw was brought upon due to Lilianne’s traumatic experiences as a child. The monster is, more or less, a creature that represents the tormented part of Lilianne’s soul, which makes her the host of the monster. Unlike the other monsters and their hosts in the game, though, the Maw and Lilianne don’t share the same voice actors.

The voice actors for Richard and Henry also did the voices for their monster counterparts. It’s a piece of detail that is insignificant to the game’s story as a whole but is distinctive enough to mention.

4 Marianne’s Mother Died From Childbirth

Marianne and Lilianne’s mother is a character that is never truly revealed in the game and is only subtly mentioned just a handful of times. Later in the game, though, the player can discover a Memory Shard of Lily talking about her mother, to the Maw, of all characters.

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At one point, Lily pins the death of their mother on Marianne, saying that it’s her fault. Marianne then responds by defending herself, even though she doesn’t know why her mother actually died, nor why Lily blames her for it. This implies that their mother died after giving birth to Marianne.

3 Similarities Between Marianne and Sadness

While the players are initially oblivious to this fact, it is later revealed that Marianne and Lily, Sadness’s true name, are actually siblings. One hint to this that is blatantly shown early on is from both’s character designs in the spirit world.

Both Lily and Sadness have a butterfly motif to their designs. Marianne’s spirit form is often accompanied by spirit butterflies. On the other hand, Sadness’s dress shows a butterfly print. Marianne also later tells that she has always been interested in butterflies when she was young, which Lily would have known given Marianne is her younger sibling.

2 Thomas Was Imprisoned As A Child For His Powers

Thomas, like his daughters Marianne and Lilianne, is also a very powerful medium. It seems his powers have already manifested at a young age as it was the reason why he was captured and imprisoned when he was young.

According to a diary entry, Thomas managed to escape captivity during World War II. If he was captured before or during the war, his powers, given it was known, would have made him a subject to multiple horrifying experimentations. Needless to say, the guy had an awful childhood.

1 Lilianne Is Way More Powerful Than She’s Letting On

Of all the mediums in the game, Lilianne is the only one who was able to manifest not one, but two spirit forms, both also seem to be independent of their host’s will. While it is explained that the Maw was initially loyal to Lilianne, it became more animalistic and monstrous after she was locked away by Thomas. The Maw then went out and massacred the whole of Niwa. Lily is powerful enough to create a creature like this.

Aside from that, Lilianne also managed to create Sadness, whom she created to guide Marianne. If Lilianne was pushed enough, she’d be capable of creating more monsters that are capable of mass destruction. Of the three mediums in the game, she is far and away the most powerful.

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