Last month, Bravely Default II, came out. It is the third entry in the Bravely video game series and follows the original game Bravely Default as well as its direct sequel Bravely Second: End Layer. There is a whole new story, continent, and cast of unique characters.
The game takes place in the continent of Excillant and follows four main characters: Elvis, Adelle, Gloria…and Seth. He is introduced to the player as a mere seafarer but he winds up as one of the four heroes of light. When it comes to Seth, there is more than meets the eye.
10 Seth Actually Dies

At the very start of the game, the player finds out that Seth was out sailing the seas until his ship got tripped up in a vicious storm. After getting hit with a huge wave, Seth went overboard and actually met his end. Despite washing up on shore, he died. The player also finds out later that Seth’s death was all thanks to a mysterious figure who targeted his ship because he considered him a threat.
9 Seth Gets A Second Chance At Life

It is fairly obvious Seth does not stay dead forever, or else the player would be controlling a ghost the entire game. When Seth meets up with Sloan to save Gloria from the clutches of Selene and Dog, he receives the blessing of the Wind Crystal and learns that was how he was revived.
In fact, if the player declines the offer from the Wind Crystal when Seth communicates with it then the power is not bestowed and Seth dies (again). By choosing this path, the player even gets a “Game Over” screen.
However, if the player does indeed accept the Wind Crystal’s offer then Seth will live to die another day. The game continues after the light is accepted and Special Abilities are unlocked, which are moves that deal devastating damage and grant significant buffs for the player’s party.
8 Seth Had Bravebearer All Along

When Seth, Elvis, and Adelle rescue an old woman from a pack of Goblins at the beach, she gives Seth her boat to borrow. On that boat, he finds a small stone. Later on during his journey, Seth fights off Sir Sloan’s ghost and successfully proves his worthiness to bear the Bravebearer asterisk.
What he did not realize was that the small stone in his possession is actually the missing half of the Bravebearer asterisk that went missing for decades. Additionally, once Bravebearer is restored, Elvis can complete his translation. His book is revealed to be an asterisk in itself, the Librarian, which the Night’s Nexus infused her soul into.
7 Seth Comes From The Outer Ocean

Where Seth actually hails from is a mystery. All the player knows is that he came from the Outer Ocean.
Towards the end of Seth, Elvis, Adelle, and Gloria’s journey, they meet with the old woman who turns out to be the Fairy Queen Aileen. She explains to the group that Seth can protect them on their travels to the Isle of Nothingness (to destroy the book) because he comes from the Outer Ocean.
6 Seth Knows How To Dress

In his default outfit, the Freelancer one, Seth is decked out in a collared white shirt (collar pushed up) with puffy sleeves (rolled up to his elbows), an unbuttoned short leather vest without sleeves, black baggy pants with a belt, brown gloves, a patterned red sash, and brown leather boots.
And while his outfit changes depending on what job he is set as, what’s underneath the clothes does not. That always remains Seth: a young man with not-too-long-but-not-too-short messy dark brown hair and brown eyes.
5 Seth Is Male

Bravely Default 2 gives players toins of choices to make, but some things are absolutely set in stone. Despite being the protagonist of the story, Seth’s gender cannot be changed by the player. He is a male. His name is locked as well. He will always be Seth.
4 Seth Is Voiced By Chris Lew Kum Hoi

The voice actor for Seth is Chris Lew Kum Hoi, who is known best for War Machine (2017), Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020), Jayson Bend: Queen and Country (2013), and Derry Girls (2018).
3 Seth Is Hated By Prince Castor

At some point in the game, Seth, Elvis, Adelle, and Gloria meet Prince Castor. Being a prince, he acts rudely towards “commoners” like Seth. However, he comes off welcoming to those of royalty such as Gloria. Every chance he gets, Prince Castor tells Gloria that Seth and others with his social status are beneath them (royal folk).
Eventually, Prince Castor recognizes Seth is no ordinary commoner and winds up apologizing. (This good behavior does not last; he betrays Seth and the rest of the party later in the game.)
2 Seth Is A Nice Guy

When it comes to a way with words, Seth has it. Despite being a commoner and a seafarer, he is polite and kind to others.
For example, after Seth, Elvis, Adelle, and Gloria defeat Anihal, he cheers her up by telling her that she’s not alone. Seth reminds her that she has her pets as company and the party themselves too.
Additionally, if the player chooses, the game features a voluntary dialogue between Elvis and Adelle where they compliment Seth on his ability to make others feel better as well as persuade them into doing good (by helping the party). He is the sweet talker of the group.
1 Seth Dies (And Gets Revived) Again

At the end of the game, Seth, Elvis, Adelle, and Gloria successfully defeat the Night’s Nexus. Following the victory, Seth guides the party back to the shores of Halcyonia (where the journey initially began).
Suddenly, he is gone. Again. But just as quick as he disappeared, and before Gloria is too overwhelmed with grief, the Wind Crystal revives him yet again.
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