Harvest Moon One World: 10 Things Only Real Fans Know About Laura

Having grown up in the German-inspired village of Lebkuchen (named after the dessert of the same name), Laura is one of the many romanceable characters in Harvest Moon: One World. Laura is definitely the shyest out of all the bachelorettes in the game, possibly in all of the Harvest Moon franchise. She’s quiet but incredibly kind and caring. She’s always working hard at her job and cares deeply for her family. While she might not talk all that much, it’s up to the player to help Laura come out of her shell.

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To get to know Laura better, players should learn all they can about her. Learning her likes and dislikes is important for not only befriending her but also for the player to romance her. From Laura’s birthday to her favorite food, there is plenty to learn about her.

10 She has a brother

Laura has a brother named Tristan who is also a romanceable character. She cares a lot for her brother and hopes she’s a good influence on him. He’s one of the few people that Laura feels close with, but hopes the player can become another good friend despite her quiet demeanor.

9 She has a memory problem

Laura often forgets things. From simple things like what she had for breakfast or more important things like whole evenings spent with friends or people’s names. She’s incredibly self-conscious of this and hasn’t been able to find a cure. With time, Laura will start to remember the time she spends together with the player because of how important they are to her.

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8 Her family owns a bakery

Together with her brother Tristan, Laura runs a shop in Lebkuchen where they sell their baked goods and artisan items. Tristan takes care of the breadmaking while Laura works in other areas of the store. While Laura may seem weak due to her memory loss, she’s actually very passionate and hard-working. She wants to live up to the reputation of her family’s bakery.

7 She makes artisan cheese

While her brother Tristan bakes bread, Laura’s specialty is making artisan cheese. She makes all different kinds of cheese and puts a lot of love and care into her work so her cheese tastes the best. If the player gets close enough with her, she may even make special cheese just for the player.

6 Her father passed away

Laura and Tristan’s father passed away, leaving the bakery in their care. Their father was a legendary bread maker, so both Laura and Tristan feel pressure to live up to his name and legacy. While Tristan toils away to be as good of a breadmaker as his father, Laura tries to support her brother as much as possible after their father’s passing.

5 Her birthday is Winter 4

Laura’s birthday is right at the beginning of Winter. This reflects her shy personality that can sometimes come off as cold. Laura would love to celebrate her birthday with you, so make sure to get her a gift you know she’ll love. Giving Laura a special gift on her birthday is a quick way for players to grow close to her. Of course, her birthday only comes once a year, so make sure to remember the date!

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4 She loves pumpkin baguette

Laura’s favorite food of all time is pumpkin baguette. If players gift her one, she’ll open up more and will quickly become a good friend of the player. Whenever players get the chance, they should bring a pumpkin baguette to Laura to improve their friendship with her, but especially if they want to romance her.

3 She hates bean soup

While Laura loves pumpkin baguettes, she absolutely hates bean soup. This is a trait she shares with her brother, Tristan. They both despise the stuff and may think of you differently if you try gifting bean soup to either of them. Avoid giving Laura bean soup at all costs because it will just go to waste. It’s better to save the soup for when the player is hungry in-game, or to be gifted to another character who would appreciate it.

2 She needs to be reminded she’s a good sister

Laura is self-conscious about her memory problem, but she’s also self-conscious of her performance as a sister. She feels as though she inconveniences Tristan at times, and is more of a bother than a good sister to him especially since their father passed away. The player can encourage Laura to see all the positive things she’s done and acknowledge that she’s a great sister. Laura may not believe it at first, but with encouragement from you and Tristan, she’ll realize how good of a sibling she is.

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1 She’s selfless

While Laura may not see it in herself, she’s incredibly selfless. She pours her all into caring for her brother, so much so that she wishes she could do more than she already does. Laura is a loving person who always puts her heart into her work and her friends, even if she’s no the best at expressing (or remembering) her feelings at times. With patience and time, Laura will come to appreciate herself more as well as her friendship with the player.

NEXT: Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town vs. Harvest Moon: One World – Which Will Reign Supreme?


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