Which Diablo 2 Class Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Diablo 2 stands as a legendary game in the world of isometric RPGs. It inspired countless lookalikes and generated a huge fanbase for Blizzard and the Diablo series.  In Blizzard’s most recent BlizzCon a remaster for the classic Diablo 2 and its expansion Lord of Destruction was announced under the title Diablo 2 Resurrected.

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Though many fans of the original will surely purchase the remaster, there are plenty of new fans who are interested in the original now that a complete remaster has been announced. With the remaster coming in the future, many fans will be picking up the original game. They’ll have to choose one class to play from the five (seven with the expansion) classes available. Fans feeling stuck might find some familiarity in a class based on their star sign.

12 Aquarius – Paladin (Support Build)

The Paladin is a strong defensive class in Diablo 2 and one of two melee-based classes. Though the Paladin can play fine alone, they excel with a party to buff with powerful offensive auras and defensive auras. Their high health and defense allow them to tank for a party while still delivering competitive damage alongside their buffs to the party.

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Aquarius-born people are known for their love of helping others. Though they may not like taking credit and they may be quiet in a group, they love being around friends and helping people in any way that they can. Similarly, the Paladin loves helping the party but can often be overlooked due to a lack of flare in their playstyle.

11 Pisces – Paladin (Defensive Build)

Though Paladins may excel with party buffing they are formidable fighters who can deal plenty of damage with the right builds and combat buffs. They are a multi-faceted class much like any class in Diablo 2 and can output high damage while maintaining a solid defense.

Pisces-born people are known to be friendly, overly trusting at times, and selfless. Pisces can be very creative and don’t mind showboating. The Paladin can be easily overlooked with certain builds but can become a high damage dealing tank with the right skills. This makes them the perfect class for Pisces looking to play to their strengths.

10 Aries – Barbarian

The Barbarian is one of the default classes in Diablo 2 and stands as the only class that is able to dual-wield any weapon. Though the Barbarian might seem generic, they are more than just pure damage dealers. Barbarians have surprising mobility and can even buff their party with warcries.

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The loud, aggressive, dominant playstyle of the Barbarian is perfect for Aries. Though Aries’ are often labeled as brash and angry, they are often just competitive and strive to be unique. They are confident and boiling over with personality and their traits would fit the playstyle of the Barbarian perfectly. The Barbarian is capable of tackling multiple enemies at once with a unique playstyle that will fit well for any would-be Aries players.

9 Taurus – Assassin

The Assassin class was released with Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction and introduced a complex but rewarding playstyle for players to try their hands at. Similar to a Rogue, the Assassin is a pure damage dealer who specializes in fast-paced combat and calculated decision-making. The Assassin can annihilate enemies with charged blows and flashy finishing moves or plow through hordes with well-placed traps.

Taurus is known for their level-headedness and ability to stay true to what they set their minds to. Taurus-born people dislike complications, which might make the Assassin seem like a no-go for them. The Assassin’s consistent damage and rewarding gameplay make them a perfect fit for Taurus though, as their role is clearly defined and definitely required in a good party.

8 Gemini – Druid

The Druid is the second class added in the Lord of Destruction expansion. They combine raw magic, summoning, and buffing abilities into one complex but rewarding package. The Druid acts as a sort of jack-0f-all trades and can even offer melee damage through their ability to transform into either a werewolf or werebear.

Gemini-born people are known for their ability to seemingly have two distinct personalities. Both the Gemini and the Druid will surprise people with their versatility. They are quick-witted and often possess many skills, making the Druid and the Gemini the perfect match.

7 Cancer – Necromancer

The Necromancer is a challenging class to master. They are often detached from the fight itself, choosing to hang back and summon armies of skeletons while also turning dead enemies against their former friends. The Necromancer can also specialize in debuffing their foes with curses and poisons.

People born under the sign of Cancer will often be difficult to understand and get to know. They can be reserved but impactful to a group of friends, just like how the Necromancer helps from afar. Cancer-born people like to keep a close circle of loyal friends sort of like the Necromancer keeping a circle of undead friends to support him or her.

6 Leo – Amazon

Amazons are among the most versatile of the classes in Diablo 2. Their well-rounded nature makes them fantastic picks for players going solo and their array of skills makes them helpful in any party. They can fill gaps in parties with their melee, ranged, and magical skills and act as leaders in the fight.

Much like the Amazon, Leo is a natural leader. They are charismatic and have no trouble taking over a situation. Though Leo-born people may come across as arrogant, their self-confidence and wide skillset make them great teammates. This same versatility makes the Leo perfect for the amazon class.

5 Virgo – Necromancer (Summoning Build)

Good Necromancers always need to be aware of the battlefield and their own position in it. Analyzing the state of the fight is a critical part of playing an effective Necromancer. Summoning at the wrong time can be a waste and jeopardize the party in an important fight.

People born under the sign of Virgo are commonly very thoughtful and analytical of their surroundings. They are often perfectionists who pay attention to the smallest of details. These traits make the Necromancer the perfect fit for people born under Virgo. These people will already be one step ahead of other party members and will time their summons perfectly once they learn the character.

4 Libra – Sorceress

In most fantasy settings, the mages are physically weak glass cannons that can deal huge damage with the tradeoff of being very easy to fell. Diablo 2’s Sorceress falls in line with this trope, acting as a massive damage dealer with her magical ability. This class works best with a dedicated tank for damage absorption and makes a great offensive half to a defensive team.

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Those born under the sign of Libra are typically great team players that hate being alone. They love finding people that complete them and are endlessly striving for balance. As a result, the Sorceress is a great fit for the Libra, as the Sorceress works best with a partner and can easily balance a team lacking damage output.

3 Scorpio – Amazon

The Amazon is nothing if not resourceful and creative with her playstyle. She can pull from a variety of playstyles that cover casting and melee combat. Though the Amazon makes a perfect party leader, she can also be a good team member with supporting damage of all types.

Scorpio-born people are cheerful people that are more resourceful than many others around them. They can make the best of a bad situation and this trait makes them effective leaders. As such, the Amazon best reflects Scorpio.

2 Sagittarius – Druid

The Druid’s variety of playstyles make him a bit of a wildcard. No two Druids are the same and promise a dash of zaniness in every party. While incorrect skill management can turn the druid into a weaker version of the other classes, their overall versatility and experimental playstyle make the Druid truly unique.

Of all the Zodiac signs, Sagittarius is easily the most curious and adventurous. These people love learning new things and are often coined as wanderers. They bounce between projects in a light-hearted manner, cheerfully doing whatever their soul tells them. The Druid’s fluid style and incredible variety makes them the right class for a Sagittarius-born person looking to experiment with their class setup.

1 Capricorn – Assassin (Trap Build)

The Assassin class benefits greatly from careful planning and flawless execution. They are capable of dealing out massive amounts of damage with their array of traps and can cripple the enemy line without ever directly engaging them.

Capricorn-born people are fiercely independent and great thinkers. They can make fantastic plans and execute them with confidence as they often believe highly in their own abilities. The Assassin is a great match for Capricorn because they don’t need to work directly with their team to be effective, they simply need to rely on themselves and their own ability.

NEXT: Every Class That Needs To Be in Diablo IV, Ranked


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