The Mass Effect Romances No One Talks About | Game Rant

The Mass Effect franchise has long been known for its immersive world-building and creative romance options. When it comes to romance, of course some fan-favorites will stand out amongst others. For example, players will often talk of Garrus’ romance or Miranda Lawson’s much sooner than others like Jacob Taylor. Part of this comes down to player preference, but otherwise boils down to how well the story is told. Some Mass Effect romances aren’t given the acknowledgment they deserve simply because they belong to lesser-known NPCs.

Characters like Samantha Traynor have their romances swept under the rug because it only happens during Mass Effect 3, which is a major disservice to her. Other romantic storylines in Mass Effect aren’t talked about because, by some definitions, they aren’t technically romances. However, the fact they’re included in the games makes them all the more interesting, even if they can’t be pursued. The Asari Justicar Samara, and her daughter Morinth, are perfect examples of Mass Effect romances that aren’t talked about but deserve some attention.

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Players meet Samara, an Asari Justicar, in Mass Effect 2. As a Justicar, Samara has taken an oath and lives by a strict code that requires them to give up their families and worldly possessions. Instead, they know only armor, weapons, and upholding the Justicar Code. There is a dwindling number of Justicars, mainly because the life of a Justicar is so difficult and strict. Justicars are seldom found outside of Asari space, but Commander Shepard tracks down Samara in hopes of recruiting her for the Suicide Mission of Mass Effect 2.

If players try to romance Samara, she’ll say she’s flattered by the interest, but she lives by the Justicar Code first and foremost. Though the Code doesn’t explicitly ban romantic relationships, Samara will always put her oath before any potential romance. Players can even get close enough to Samara to attempt to kiss her, but she’ll pull away at the last minute and ask for space. For Samara to truly be interested in Shepard, though, players must have a primarily Paragon playthrough. If not, Samara will state she doesn’t feel the same connection.

Mass Effect 3 is the only time players get the chance to actually kiss Samara, and even then it’s only with the ‘Citadel’ DLC. Samara’s romance isn’t the most fleshed out in the Mass Effect trilogy, but it deserves some attention because of its potential. The developer could have easily shut down all chance of romance with Samara, but instead left it as a “what could have been.” It’s bittersweet to consider, but great storytelling nonetheless.

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On a less wholesome note, Morinth is another potential romance option for the Commander. In Mass Effect 2, players can choose to kill Samara when hunting down Morinth. This leads to Morinth taking Samara’s place on the Normandy, with virtually no one on the crew noticing a difference. Due to Morinth’s sexual nature, she’ll come onto Shepard in hopes that the Commander will agree to sleep with her. The only snag in this plan is that Morinth is an Ardat-Yakshi.

Part of the reason Samara needs to hunt down Morinth in the first place is the fact she uses her Ardat-Yakshi condition to kill people without remorse. When Ardat-Yakshi try to mate and mind-meld as other Asari do, they accidentally kill their partner in the process. Morinth is the only one of Samara’s three daughters that used her Ardat-Yakshi status to kill others. Despite players knowing all of this when Morinth makes a move on Shepard, they can still choose to sleep with the Asari. What happens next is not shocking, but still creative nonetheless.

Shepard may have a Prothean cipher in their head and have been raised from the dead, but they’ll still die if they attempt to sleep with Morinth. After Morinth’s sweet talking drops Shepard’s defenses, they’ll begin the mind-meld process, but Shepard dies quickly after it starts. The “Critical Mission Failure” screen pops up, and players can choose to resume the game, load a different save point, or exit the game. While this romance isn’t as in-depth as others in Mass Effect, it’s still incredibly interesting and just a little hilarious.

Samara and Morinth aren’t given the same attention as other Mass Effect romances, but they’re still interesting stories that can have unique outcomes if players decide to pursue them.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition releases May 14 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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