World of Warcraft Spires of Ascension Dungeon is Being Ruined By Bug

In World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, dungeons act not only as a generous source of loot but also as a measure of skill with their Mythic+ difficulty modifiers. Now, it appears, that one of the already difficult Shadowlands dungeons has become all but impossible with a recent bug.

The Spires of Ascension dungeon is found in Bastion and is one of the eight dungeons that was included in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands on release. Players navigate their way through the Kyrian-themed dungeon until it culminates in a fight with Devos, Paragon of Doubt. Normally, the final fight has a phase where Devos floats out of reach and players must throw a spear to damage Devos and bring them back to the ground where they can continue the fight. With a recent bug, the spear does not appear to register at all. This means that Devos will not take damage during this phase and players will be forced to repeat the phase endlessly.

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When paired with the mechanic of Mythic+ keystone downgrade in World of Warcraft, players have a serious issue. The problem is that if players fail to complete a Mythic+ dungeon run in an allotted time, their keystone—an item that allows access to certain dungeon difficulty levels—gets downgraded. So, players that were unlucky enough to use their keystone on the Spires of Ascension were doomed to fail and be downgraded. This meant that they would inevitably be running subsequent dungeons at a lower level due to circumstances beyond their reach.

A clip posted by Reddit user Shiftyuu shows the bug in action. The group, playing on Mythic 2, one of the lowest difficulties available, still struggled with the final encounter. In the video, one of the players picks up the spear, hurls it for what should have been a direct hit, and the damage does not register at all. The Spires of Ascension is an unusually buggy dungeon with an earlier glitch allowing Shadowlands players to wipe after the Devos fight. Unfortunately, this new bug’s consequences are far worse with groups being guaranteed a Mythic keystone downgrade if they run the Spires of Ascension.

While this bug is likely to be fixed quickly, players with a Spire of Ascension key may want to forego their Mythic+ dungeon runs until it is, or at least join another group that is running a different dungeon. For now, players may want to spend their time in Shadowlands searching for rare mounts, raiding, or in the PvP Arenas.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is available on PC.

MORE: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands – How to Get the Courage Battle Pet


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