10 Pro Tips For Playing Samurai Shodown | Game Rant

Samurai Shodown is a fighting game with a little bit of something for everyone, and it will be available on the Xbox Series X/S from March 16, 2021. The characters are extremely diverse, special moves are satisfying to pull off, and the gameplay is unlike any other modern fighting game on the market.

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Samsho focuses on meticulous fighting, somewhat like real sword fighting. Every hit could lead to death and it’s important to pay attention to the risk of trying something versus the reward one might get if it works. Because of this dynamic, Samsho works differently than most fighting games and can confuse new players so there’re a few things to understand before the game really makes sense.

10 Get Comfortable Blocking

In terms of risk and reward, Samurai Shodown‘s heavy slashes are a big thing new players will try to abuse. Heavy slashes deal upwards of a quarter of someone’s health from just one button and usually have the longest range of any character’s normal attacks. This means they’re easy to spam and will grant big rewards if just a few of them land.

Blocking heavy slashes will leave opponents in a vulnerable state called “recoil.” In recoil, they’re open to attacks and will take greater damage if the punish hits them for a counter hit. As a new player, this means it’s imperative to block and wait for the opponent to make a mistake, so they open themselves up.

9 Try Just Defense On Certain Moves

Just defense occurs when a player guards an attack within eight frames of the attack landing. This is actually a pretty big window as long as the player knows what kind of pressure to expect from their opponent. Just defending is important because it can prevent guard breaks and actually builds a meter for the defender.

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Usually, multi-hit moves that lock the attacker in an animation are the best moves to try this technique on since they’re guaranteed and don’t have varied timing. This mechanic is a breath of fresh air in modern fighting games since good defense is rarely rewarded. Practicing just defense is also very easy in training mode, so it’s good to use it against characters players might struggle with.

8 Learn An Anti-Air

Being able to prevent aerial approaches is an important skill in any fighting game. Air approaches often lead to big damage and advantage on block if they’re not stopped. Samurai Shodown works a bit differently than most games since combos aren’t as important but stopping jumps is still vital.

For characters that use projectiles, it’s good to stop an opponent from negating them by just jumping over them. Every character has something to stop an aerial approach whether it be a normal move, uppercut, or even a projectile that controls air space.

7 Find The Best Poke

When swords clash in real life, the combatants usually try to avoid committing to an attack that leaves them open since it only takes one strike to end a duel. That’s why fencing and kendo rely on quick strikes and pokes at vital areas. Samurai Shodown‘s combat works a lot like these forms of sword fighting.

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Every character has a move that reaches further than most and recovers pretty quickly, even when blocked. Generally, that button is their medium slash but there are exceptions. Finding the move that pokes at the opponent to stop their approach and punish their whiffed moves is a great place to start in controlling the momentum of a match.

6 Abuse Recoil Cancelling

When certain moves are blocked in Samurai Shodown, the character will enter a vulnerable animation when their weapon recoils, and they can’t move or do certain attacks. During this time, players can still cancel the recoil animation with a special attack, leaving a gap to open up opponents with poor punish timing.

The natural response to the recoil animation is usually for the opponent to try to press a button to mount their own offense. However, if players recoil cancel into an invincible move like an uppercut, or a quick special attack, they can take their turn back. It’s a bold tactic that should only be used sparingly because it can be punished and isn’t safe by any means.

5 Burst Often

When the rage meter is full, players get access to enhanced special moves, rage mode, and their lightning strike technique. All of these tools are exceptionally strong but what players don’t use at lower levels is the rage explosion.

The rage explosion grants invincibility and breaks combos, granting a player another chance at life. Using this at the right time can also guarantee punishes against certain combos that normally would hit. Keep this in mind while in battle, but also remember that each player only gets one rage explosion per game, and they lose rage afterward, limiting their toolkit.

4 Get Familiar With Weapon Flips

Every character has their own weapon flip technique that has special properties and disarms their target. Getting familiar with a certain character’s weapon flip technique can tell a player a lot about their fighter.

Some are good for punishing projectiles, others can stop air approaches, and others are just good for resetting the battlefield while leaving things in the user’s favor. Samurai Shodown doesn’t have character guides or combo trials, so it’s often up to the player to figure out what a fighter’s game plan is. Weapon flips are a good place to start to understand a character as a whole.

3 Play With Friends

The online experience for Samurai Shodown leaves a lot to be desired. The netcode itself is sub-par and the player base is pretty spread out which makes finding online matches difficult. Because of these factors, playing with friends is usually the way to go.

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Samsho allows for so much freedom of expression through its defensive mechanics and volatile offense that no two matches will feel the same. The game has also just started its third round of DLC characters, meaning the possibilities are still growing and there’s a lot of matchups to try out. As a fighting game to just pick up with friends, Samsho is a guaranteed hit.

2 Bait Out Bad Punishes With Disarm Techniques

One thing players start to do at low levels is become predictable. It’s easy to rely on old habits and bad tendencies when pressure is high, and in Samurai Shodown, the pressure is always high. This means it’s easy to bait out certain responses from an opponent by putting them in unfamiliar situations.

A great example is to use a long-range poke against an opponent on their guard. Usually, the response is to try to just defend the poke and respond with their own. Since the timing of this is relatively strict, players can turn this around and disarm their opponent when they throw out their poke. Now they have no weapon and have to think twice about pressing buttons at that range.

1 Throws Are Your Friend

After entering rage mode, opponents will usually try to just block any incoming attacks and mix-ups because of the threat of a weapon flip technique or a lightning strike attack. Both of those attacks do massive damage and aren’t worth risking a round over. When an opponent shows this fear, it’s the perfect time to throw them and break their guard.

This tactic is especially potent if the character being used has a command grab. Command grabs have less recovery on whiff than normal throws in Samurai Shodown and usually leave the player at a pretty helpful position afterward.

NEXT: Top 10 Grapplers In Fighting Games


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