Fortnite: Where to Find Wolves | Game Rant

Wildlife plays a big role in Fortnite Season 6, and indeed there are now four new animal species roaming around the map. Of these new species, it is the Wolves that are the most vicious, and many players will undoubtedly be interested in tracking them down. However, locating Wolves in Fortnite can prove to be somewhat challenging, and this guide contains a number of tips that should assist players with their hunts.

To begin, Wolves appear to have a proclivity for materializing in packs of two or three near mountains and hills. Players that are searching for these beasts are thus advised to turn their attention to the southern portion of Fortnite‘s map, as these topographical features can be found in abundance there. In particular, the area that encompasses Weeping Woods, Misty Meadows, and Lazy Lake seems to serve as a spawn point for Wolves, though they do have the ability to roam fairly freely.

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In addition to targeting mountainous and hilly regions, players can improve their chances of finding Wolves in Fortnite by activating Visualize Sound Effects under audio settings. Indeed, these animals do make various noises, and fans that turn on the feature will get a very clear indication of when one is nearby. Alternatively, players can simply make sure that they have their Sounds Effects set to 100% and put some real focus on the audio component that comes through while they are hunting.

With respect to what a fan should do when they finally are successful in locating a Wolf, there are two real options to consider. The first one will be of interest to those players that are looking to engage with the game’s new crafting system, and it is to eliminate the animal. This action will result in the acquisition of some Meat and Bones, and these materials can in turn be used to create Primordial weapons and the Hunter’s Cloak in Fortnite.

The other option is to the tame the beast, which will turn it into a friendly companion for the duration of a match. For those players that do not know how to tame animals in Fortnite, the process begins with obtaining some food, and the Meat that comes from the game’s various Wildlife is a Wolf’s favorite treat. Once a fan has acquired some Meat, they should simply throw it near the creature and then interact with it while it is investigating the food in order to gain it as an ally.

Fortnite is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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