Twitch Streamer Crashes Car Into Gate While Reading Chat

Over the years, many dangerous incidents have been captured live by those streaming on Twitch. This still continues into 2021, where a Lithuanian streamer known as ArturasGrizas recently got into some trouble on the platform.

The incident itself was streamed by ArturasGrizas on March 21, live on Twitch under the Travel & Outdoors streaming category. Most of the streamer’s broadcasts fall under this category, where the user is streaming himself driving in his car, allowing viewers to watch him and the road ahead of him.

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While the streamer was exiting a parking lot during his stream, he accidentally ran his car into the parking barrier at the lot’s exit. This was likely due to the streamer reading the messages sent in by the Twitch stream chat while driving.

ArturasGrizas was not harmed due to this incident due to the relatively low speed of the car at the time. After hitting it, the streamer did reverse back into the parking lot to check the damage done to the barrier. It remained functional after the hit, allowing him to leave the lot after the check.

While it seems that ArturasGrizas managed to get away after what could’ve been a much more dangerous event, the company has been known to take unsafe driving incidents on Twitch seriously. This has resulted in multiple streamer bans and suspensions in the streaming platform’s past. As of March 22nd, 2021 however, ArturasGrizas still has his Twitch account up and running.

One bright side to this incident is that it happened in a place without anyone getting hurt while the car was additionally not going fast. If ArturasGrizas was distracted by reading Twitch chat messages while going much faster or while other people or cars were around, it could have resulted in a much more concerning incident. Hopefully, this incident will result in the streaming being far more cautious while driving so nothing worse will happen in the future.

There are plenty other large incidents that have happened in March alone on Twitch such as Ali “Gross Gore” Larson being banned from the platform. Larson of course wasn’t the only notable streamer to be banned with GeorgeNotFound and Kiarakitty also being among the banned users. At this time it is unknown if ArturasGrizas will join them in their banned status, but as stated previously, the account is still available with clips of the incident fully viewable by any that visit the streamer’s Twitch channel.

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Source: Dexerto


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