Everything We Currently Know About Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness

The Resident Evil franchise is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary. The debut title came out in 1996 and while the gameplay has seen significant changes and revamps, the lore has never seen a reboot; an achievement for any series.

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Numerous pieces of Resident Evil media are currently on the horizon, the most appealing of which is the upcoming animated series, Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness. People have known about it for a while, but only recently has Capcom revealed more information about the project. Read on below for the most important bits of information on Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness and understand why fans should be excited about the series.

10 Leon & Claire’s Voice Actors From Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2‘s remake is arguably the best Resident Evil game since the original Resident Evil 2. In addition to the incredible gameplay, the game also presents the best performances by actors in the series.

It is good to hear the main actors from this 2019 title will be returning once again to voice Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield. Stephanie Panisello and Nick Apostolides both brought new depth to these old characters, so fans are more than happy to see them come back.

9 Netflix

In its bid for being just about the only place to consume visual media, Netflix is swooping up numerous gaming IPs for adaptations. Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness will premier on the streaming service.

The reception was mostly warm towards The Witcher series, so Infinite Darkness heading towards the platform might actually be a good sign. It also most likely means that every episode will come out at once, unlike HBO Max or Disney Plus shows.

8 There Will Be A Graphic Novel Too

Anybody who does not like watching animated series will be happy to see a graphic novel also come out alongside the series.

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It is unknown if it will come out on the same day, but it seems like fans should expect it around the time of the show’s release. It is also said to be in a manga style instead of a traditional western style comic book.

7 People Thought It Was A Movie At First

Thanks to a mishap from Portugal’s Netflix Twitter account, people thought this upcoming Resident Evil project was a movie and not a show. Fans should not be blamed for thinking this, since a tweet quite literally said it was a film.

Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness‘s official reveal clarified things and stated it was a series. The CGI Resident Evil movies have been merely okay for the most part, so a series might be a better alternative in the end.

6 TMS Entertainment Is Producing It

Producing the series is TMS Entertainment, with Quebico handling the 3D animation. While many may not know the name, they have undoubtedly seen the studio’s work, especially since it has been around since 1946. TMS has produced a slew of Japanese animated films.

Additionally, TMS has worked on numerous video game projects, including the Kingdom Hearts series. Judging from the trailer, the quality of the animation looks great.

5 It Is Not Connected To The Upcoming Movie

In addition to this series, there is also a live-action movie coming out in September. Filming is already done and posters have been revealed, but no trailer has shown up yet. The movie will take place in Raccoon City and is centered around characters from the games.

The film is not related to Netflix’s series, which is in the same continuity of the games. Since people have seen nothing from the movie other than set photos, most fans are currently cautiously optimistic.

4 It Is Coming Out In 2021

While no concrete release date has been confirmed, Capcom has promised Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is coming in 2021. It makes sense for it to come out this year, in line with celebrating the series’ 25th anniversary.

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The first half of 2021 is filled with hype for Resident Evil: Village and in September fans will be watching the film adaptation. It seems possible that the series will come out sometime in the summer months, but the end of 2021 is also not out of the question.

3 Hiroyuki Kobayashi Is The Executive Producer

Hiroyuki Kobayashi is the show’s executive producer. In addition to working on the previous Resident Evil animated works, he has also been attached to the franchise since its inception, being listed as a programmer on the 1996 debut entry.

The last video game in the franchise Kobayashi worked on was Resident Evil 6, but he also produced Mega Man 11 as recently as 2018. Kobayashi was also a producer on Netflix’s Dragon’s Dogma.

2 There Is Also A Live-Action Series In The Works

If a new series, movie, and video game are not enough, then maybe the upcoming live-action series will satiate the hungriest fan’s appetite.

This show follows completely new characters and will take place in two different time periods. Live-action Resident Evil content has always received a mixed reception at best, so this show has a lot to prove. This series will also premiere on Netflix.

1 The Synopsis

The animated series follows both Claire Redfield And Leon Kennedy. The former follows a trail of clues once a refugee’s drawing curiously resembles a B.O.W. infection, while the latter is investigating the aftermath of a zombie outbreak at the Whitehouse. The two’s paths eventually cross.

Under different circumstances, the reunion would probably be a joyous occasion, but there is often no time for celebration in Resident Evil.

Next: 10 Incredibly Fun Action Games With Co-Op To Play If You Loved Resident Evil 5


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