8 Mistakes Everyone Makes Playing Little Nightmares 2 | Game Rant

In some games, the option to fight every foe is definitely a viable strategy; however, in the world of Little Nightmares 2, things are a tad bit different. This horror puzzle-platformer operates within a cruel and unforgiving world where most enemies can easily crush poor Mono and Six to death; so it’s best to be careful rather than aggressive and headstrong.

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With dangers all around, it’s easy for players to find themselves messing up their playthrough every once in a while with a foolish mistake or miscalculation. Here are some of the most common mistakes players make when venturing through the world of Little Nightmares 2.

8 Being Too Impatient

Rushing through levels in a universe where most enemies are double Mono’s size is a deadly mistake. It’s important players take their time to navigate when in an area with enemies or a lurking boss. While it can be tempting to think Mono and Six can beeline to the next safe spot, rushing usually only ends in brutal death.

It’s best to study enemies’ walk cycles, let their animations play out, and wait for the most opportune time to run to ensure Mono and Six can escape safe and sound.

7 Not Using The Slide Enough

When running just doesn’t cut it, Mono can slide. In the cases where freedom is just a few steps away but the boss just won’t quit grabbing Mono right at the last second, it’s vital to remember that running isn’t the only way to evade enemies. The sliding mechanic can really come in clutch for those intense moments when being pursued.

Sliding right before reaching that tunnel or tight opening can be the difference between life or death.

6 Playing The Game Like A Hack & Slash

The first game didn’t allow Six to be as brutal as she could be, but in Little Nightmares 2, Mono gets his chance at finally fighting back against the awful creatures that pursue them. Mono does in fact get the honors for wielding an oversized ax or bat that makes him appear like a menacing enemy himself, but don’t get too excited.

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These sections of the game are made for Mono to get rid of some vicious Bullies or Living Hands but don’t be fooled, the protagonist is still a vulnerable child. These combat sections don’t control freely, and they aren’t supposed to. The player may be armed but don’t make the mistake of playing these sections like a hack and slash!

The ax controls are intentionally slow and clunky. These parts are more akin to survival horror; weapons are scarce and are only used as a last resort. Play these parts slow and meticulously. Don’t allow the weapon to invoke overconfidence.

5 Not Paying Attention to Audio Cues

Aside from missing out on the great sound design and subtle tracks occasionally playing in the background, not paying attention to audio cues can take away from the overall experience.

Paying attention to when the music amps up or listening for any nearby enemies can make each level go by much smoother. Often time, enemies will be wandering around off-screen, going through their walk cycles. Avoiding a jumpscare death screen can be easy as putting the volume up just a bit. Even when an enemy may be off-screen or in a less visible area, audio cues allow the player to know when to hide at the right moment without even taking their eyes off Mono and Six.

4 Forgetting to Use Sneak

When the music is amping up and things are looking grim, it can be easy to panic and try to make a run for it. More times than not, that is the wrong thing to do and will lead to a death screen. It’s important to remember that a large portion of the game is about avoiding combat rather than sprinting for the objective.

Mono and Six are significantly smaller than the majority of their enemies, so attempting to outrun them should be treated as a last resort. Instead, try opting for using the sneak mechanic; most of the time, it will allow players to take their time navigating and also won’t alert any nearby enemies. A simple solution but more often than not, sneaking ends up a mechanic that most players simply forget they have access to.

3 Thinking You’re Safe Too Early

While normal enemies may be easy to lose or evade, bosses can be a bit trickier. Often time, new players will run and hide to catch their breath just to be grabbed unexpectedly. Enemy ranges are much bigger than they first appear.

Bosses in this game tend to have lots of range and can grab Mono even out of hiding places. It’s always a better idea to keep running when unsure if the coast is clear or if the boss has been lost or not. If the music is still amping up, it’s more likely than not that the pursuer still has Mono in their sight and can still go in for the kill.

2 Not Planning Out Your Route Before Heading Towards The Objective

Little Nightmares 2 is first and foremost a puzzle-platformer. Between the scares are intricate puzzles to solve before reaching the next objective. However, not all puzzles are laid out in such an obvious manner. Little Nightmares 2 is incredibly good at making the transition from platforming to puzzle seem seamless; to the point where in some cases, an entire room is a puzzle itself. One particular section with the Teacher requires lots of planning ahead before running in too quickly.

In the same vein as being patient, planning ahead is vital to avoid making rash decisions. Some levels are puzzles and call for careful planning, especially in the specific order in which actions or objectives should be completed. Make sure to find a comfy spot for Six and Mono to hide while making the right game plan.

1 Forgetting Six Is There To Help

Six is a very special A.I. She isn’t just another A.I. that serves as a part of a troublesome escort mission; Six is an incredibly useful ally! Six’s aide throughout the game is invaluable, but every now and then, the player may forget she’s not just dead weight.

In the heat of the moment when desperately trying to get to an objective that seems out of reach, players begin to panic and immediately search for another way out. Sometimes the solution is not a box to jump on or even another route to take, but an act as simple as calling Six over for a boost. It’s a mechanic used all throughout the game but somehow, it’s all too easy to forget about it. When stumped, call Six over. She’s always willing to lend a helping hand.

NEXT: Crazy Little Nightmares 2 Fan Theories (That Could Actually Be True)


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