Facebook Gives WHO Free Ads to Counter Coronavirus Misinformation

(via Macau Photo Agency/Unsplash)

Facebook is giving the World Health Organization “as many free ads as they need” to help curb fake news about COVID-19.

“We’re focused on making sure everyone can access credible and accurate information,” CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in an announcement.

“This is critical in any emergency,” he said, “but it’s especially important when there are precautions you can take to reduce the risk of infection.”

Search “coronavirus” on Facebook, and a pop-up will direct you to the World Health Organization or your local health authority for the latest information.

In countries where the WHO has reported person-to-person transmission, additional information will also be presented in your News Feed.

“Given the developing situation, we’re working with national ministries of health and organizations like the WHO, CDC, and UNICEF to help them get out timely, accurate information on the coronavirus,” according to Zuckerberg.

Facebook last month banned misleading ads about the novel coronavirus—which, to date, has claimed more than 3,200 lives globally.

A new policy prohibits advertising on the social network that creates a sense of urgency around COVID-19, like implying a limited supply or guaranteeing a cure or prevention.

“It’s important that everyone has a place to share their experiences and talk about the outbreak, but as our community standards make clear, it’s not [OK] to share something that puts people in danger,” Zuckerberg said.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus responded to Wednesday’s post, thanking the social media firm and other companies “making robust contributions to the global fight against COVID-19.”

“To stop the new coronavirus from spreading, it is essential that users of social media, search platforms, and digital devices have easy access to evidence-based advice, in their languages, and be spared dangerous falsehoods,” Tedros wrote.

“There’s no time like the present for the digital world to show solidarity and create innovative solutions to promote health and keep the world safe,” he added.

The Facebook-WHO partnership was revealed just one day before news broke that a contractor in Facebook’s Stadium East office in Seattle has been diagnosed with the deadly virus.

“We’ve notified our employees and are following the advice of public health officials to prioritize everyone’s health and safety,” a company spokesperson told Bloomberg.

Amazon on Wednesday confirmed the first case of novel coronavirus among its U.S. workforce: also a Seattle-based staffer.

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