Java Weekly, Issue 315

1. Spring and Java

>> Manage multiple Java SDKs with SDKMAN! with ease []

A good intro to this handy tool for installing and switching between multiple versions of Java, Maven, Gradle, Spring Boot CLI, and more. Very cool.

>> One-Stop Guide to Profiles with Spring Boot []

A nice intro to profiles, along with practical advice regarding when to use them and, just as important, when not to use them.

>> Rethinking the Java DTO []

And an interesting approach to request/response DTO design in Java using a proliferation of enums, interfaces, and Lombok annotations.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

2. Technical

>> Microservice Observability, Part 2: Evolutionary Patterns for Solving Observability Problems []

A roundup of strategies, patterns, and best practices for building an observability pipeline.

Also worth reading:

3. Musings

>> On Developers’ Productivity []

A fresh look at the myth of the 10x developer and the problems associated with evaluating developer productivity.

Also worth reading:

4. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> Inefficiency []

>> Incompetent Employees []

>> Court of Stupidity []

5. Pick of the Week

>> Keep earning your title, or it expires []


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