Nintendo Switch Lifetime Sales Pass the Original NES | Game Rant

Nintendo’s hybrid console and handheld experiment continues to prove not only the validity of the idea but also how successful the mashup is. As the Nintendo Switch continues its path of dominance, with some analysts saying that the Switch will surpass 130 million units sold in 2022, it keeps on hitting new sales milestones. Its most recent accomplishment is surpassing one of Nintendo’s most popular pieces of hardware.

The Nintendo Switch has sold more units than the Nintendo Entertainment System, one of Nintendo’s most significant and culturally important pieces of hardware. This discovery came from ResetEra user sir_crocodile which took into account the weekly Famitsu sales reports and added them to the confirmed 61 million units sold by the end of June 2020.  sir_crocodile was quick to point out that the 62 million Switch’s sold was calculated using only the recent Japanese retail numbers, meaning that the sales are likely much higher.

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The Famicom system released in 1983 in Japan and 1985 in the West as the Nintendo Entertainment System. The reported global lifetime sales have the NES at just under 62 million units. With this new honor achieved by the Switch, fans are looking at the next system that beats it in the ranking. When accounting for all Nintendo systems, the 3DS has a 13 million unit lead over the Switch. Others believe that the Switch may actually sell more than the Wii, still considered an incredible sales success with over 100 million units sold.

While some have scoffed at the idea of the Nintendo Switch usurping the Wii from its throne as the highest selling Nintendo console of all time, the Switch itself has never lost momentum. Upon its first month of release, the Switch was the fastest-selling console in Nintendo’s history, with the system selling over 900,000 units in its first month in the US.

A big reason for the Switch’s staying power is because of the beloved titles that continue to release on the system. No other Nintendo property made quite as much of an impact than this years Animal Crossing: New Horizonswhich has been a force in both sales numbers and cultural impact. In terms of sales, New Horizons recently broke a milestone and is on route to break one nobody ever expected. New Horizons is the second highest selling game ever in Japan and the highest selling single SKU. It is on track to overtake the often believed unbeatable Pokemon Red, Green, and Blue to take the top spot.

As the next generation of consoles prepare to launch at the end of 2020, the Switch has years left on its lifespan. While the PlayStation 4 is currently the second highest selling console ever, Nintendo’s hybrid might just take that spot too.

MORE: Nintendo Switch Was the Best Selling Console of July 2020

Source: ResetEra via Nintendo Life


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