Killer7 stands as the usual kind of game that comes from designer Suda51, a beloved cult hit that fans will take with any system. With recent rumors swirling about a possible Switch port of Killer7, fans of Suda51’s offbeat shooter got excited. Now, it seems those hopes have been dashed.
Engine Software, the developer responsible for porting Killer7 to the PC in 2018, has confirmed that it is not porting Grasshopper Manufacture‘s PlayStation 2 and GameCube original to the Nintendo Switch. Engine Software’s owner and Vice President of development Ruud van de Moosdjik addressed the rumor head on acknowledging the error that led to fans getting their hopes up.
The rumor started through a LinkedIn page for a producer at Engine Software which noted this individual as working on the Killer7 Remaster on both PC and Switch. The other piece of information that fueled speculation was that the same profile mentioned the producer as working on “an unannounced title in collaboration with a prolific Japanese game designer.”

Moosdjik responded to both of these points by first noting that the producer’s reference to the Switch port was incorrect. As for the unannounced collaboration, Moosdjik would not say what it was but confirmed it was not Killer7 for the Switch.
There has been a lot of hope placed on classic Suda51 games making their way to Nintendo’s hybrid hardware. Goichi Suda himself as expressed interest in bringing his games to the platform as he continues to developer the Switch exclusive No More Heroes 3. So while Engine Software might not be bringing the Smith-killing shooter to the Switch, it doesn’t mean a port is off the table.
Killer7 is available for GameCube, PC, and PS2.
Source: Nintendo Life
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