The 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Activision Games Of All Time; According To Metacritic

Activision has been one of the biggest video game publishers that the industry has ever seen. Starting up all the way back in 1979, the publisher has gone on to release some of gaming’s greatest titles and franchises.

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They have also been mired in a decent amount of controversy relating to some of their less than beloved titles, as well as a few other things. It’s safe to say that Activision’s combination of massive success and massive failures has gotten them a fairly mixed reputation among gamers but one can’t simply say that haven’t done great things.

10 Best: Rome: Total War – 92

Starting off this list is a game that one might not have known was made by Activision. When this game was released all the way back in 2004, Activision was the publisher of the Total War series before the series made the switch to being published by Sega.

Nevertheless, the game was made under Activision and thus makes it on to this list. This game, despite being released over a decade and a half ago, still makes it onto the list of Activision’s best games with its solid 92 percent rating.

9 Worst: Revolution – 29

One may not have heard of this title before and we can’t say that we blame those who haven’t. Revolution is a PC FPS that was released in 2002 and was clearly trying to bank off of the success that Half-Life was getting at the time (and still does to this day.)

The problem is that the game was really rushed to cash in as fast as possible and while it did try its best to nail the aesthetics of Half-Life, it didn’t do the things that actually made the series successful and just came off as pretentious. The game currently has a 29 on Metacritic.

8 Best: Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare – 94

Sticking with the First Person Shooter genre with the game that is arguably responsible for turning the Call of Duty franchise from just another shooter to the juggernaut of gaming that it has become.

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The original Modern Warfare released back in 2007. The game bucked the trend that was going at the time of World War II focused shooters and took us into the modern-day, as the name implies, a switch that would change the genre for years. The game currently has a 94 on Metacritic.

7 Worst: Pimp My Ride – 26

Yes, the Pimp My Ride TV show from the mid-2000s somehow had a game made about it and that’s not even the biggest surprise that this game has. Out of all the platforms that the game could have been released on, it was made for the Wii, yes the Nintendo console primarily marketed towards younger gamers and families.

Target marketing mix-ups aside the game just wasn’t very interesting or entertaining. The game also suffered from terrible graphics and currently sits at a 26 on Metacritic

6 Best: Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 – 94

Moving onto a series that players have been asking to make a comeback for years at this point in the Tony Hawk Pro Skater series. This game is probably a big reason that the franchise has a ton of nostalgia despite how far the series fell in its later entries.

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The game had a killer soundtrack, fluid controls and made you feel like you were a pro skater even if you were actually just a couch potato. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 currently has a 94 on Metacritic.

5 Worst: 007 Legends – 26

It seems that the only good game that has ever come out of the James Bond series was the original GoldenEye that came out for the N64 because there hasn’t been much since.

This game was released back in 2012 on PC for the 50th anniversary of the franchise and this was a pretty terrible birthday present for the world’s most famous spy. The game was the epitome of movie tie in-game and currently sits at a 26 percent on Metacritic

4 Best: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 – 95

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare brought the Call of Duty series to the top of the FPS landscape, but Modern Warfare 2 is what cemented it as the king of the military shooter for the foreseeable future, even until this very day.

Modern Warfare 2 was known more so for its solid multiplayer that basically kickstarted the Call of Duty pro scene as we know it today. The game also had a solid story mode continuation to the story of the first game and the spec ops mode was loved by the fandom. The game currently has a 95 on Metacritic.

3 Worst: Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – 25

Another tie in-game but this time for the legendary Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. Once again this game is also trying to bank of a previous successful video game tie-in, that being the original TMNT sidescrolling beat em up arcade game. This game, instead of being based on the original series, was based on the early 2010s nickelodeon cartoon version, which was actually pretty good, but this game, on the other hand, was not.

The game was bland at best and was more deserving of an arcade release rather than a full one and it currently has a 25 on Metacritic

2 Best: Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 – 98

Moving on to what Metacritic defines as the best game that Activision has ever published in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2. While the third entry into the franchise that we previously mentioned is loved by fans, the previous game in the series is definitely what made the series itself known to most gamers.

The game’s soundtrack was perfect and the controls and things you could do looked and felt great and the different maps the game had gave you endless times to discover new combinations of tricks to do. It currently sits at a massive 98 percent on Metacritic.

1 Worst: Fast & Furious: Showdown – 21

The Fast and Furious franchise seems almost tailor-made for a video game in some respects, just throw in the characters and some decent racing mechanics and it should do well enough, but it seems that the game’s developers couldn’t even get that right.

The game was clunky and looked like it came out on the last console generation. It currently has an abysmal 21 percent on Metacritic.

Next: Blizzard’s 10 Best Games (According To Metacritic)


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