Apex Legends: 10 Pro Tips For Playing Rampart | Game Rant

It’s time to ramp up once again for a new season of Apex Legends and welcome new legend Ramya Parekh, ‘Rampart’ for short. This defensive player is new to the roster as of August 17th and many gamers are already learning the ins and outs when it comes to the benefits of having a weapons modder on the team.

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This 21-year-old has some pretty epic tricks up her sleeve when it comes to abilities, and her reputation in Gaea didn’t come from simple gadget tricks. Rampart is changing up the world of custom gear as gamers know it with a little thanks to the underground circuit and her own modding shop.

10 Weapons To Look Out For

The beautiful thing about Apex is that every player can find solace with a legend who supports their personal style of gaming. For defensive players, it might seem like Rampart is heaven sent – especially when it comes to the weapons she’s best equipped to use. For those taking on this unique new team member, players will want to be on the lookout for LMGs specifically. Guns such as Devotion, L-Star, and Spitfire are all well within her wheelhouse due to the ability called ‘Modded Loader,’ which allows Rampart to carry additional ammo for these weapons, including for the Minigun she carries. Everyone has been in a spot where they’ve run out of ammo and end up cornered, and no one wants a finishing attack to be the last thing that flashes before their eyes.

9 Sheila Is A Great Advantage But Can Also Be A Great Disadvantage

Rampart’s ultimate ability, ‘Emplaced Minigun Sheila,’ can be a game-winning asset to any team. However, as with any ultimate ability, it also comes with risks that players must decide are worth it or not. Since Sheila can be summoned and placed anywhere, this also means that any players on Rampart’s team can use this heavy damage-dealing weapon. The downside is that ‘any player’ also means the surrounding enemy players, which could lead to a tricky – and embarrassing – situation, should one of them get hold of this monster.

8 Good News For Snipers Playing With Rampart

Apex is known for having players who usually choose to do one of three things: find primo weapons and hit the higher-ups, find destructive weapons and head straight into offensive battle mode, or take cover and pick off players as they come. For those with Rampart, it can help to be paired up with a player who’s got a sniper’s eye since the high ground goes hand in hand with her tactical ability.

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‘Amped Cover’ is an awesome way to protect the entire team since it summons a wall that’s virtually indestructible for a limited amount of time. If players can make their way to the upper portion of the wall, this provides an instant boost in damage-dealing – thus, a sniper would be perfect to round out this team.

7 Rampart Gets Along Great With These Legends

As with any legend, some have abilities that fit seamlessly with others. Rampart, in particular, is a versatile puzzle piece that would easily fit into any team, but she’s got some tricks up her sleeve that would work extremely well with specific legends. Right now, the combination to beat is Rampart, Lifeline, and Wattson. With two defensive legends and a support legend, it might seem like a strange combination at first (with no recon or offensive players) but the win lies in the tactics and ability to be strategic. Players who are prone to think out their moves and play tactical style are more likely to appreciate Wattson’s pylons combined with Rampart’s defensive wall, and Lifeline’s ability to heal them both while all the action is ongoing.

6 Benefits Of Rampart’s Tactical Ability

It’s confirmed that ‘Modded Loader’ grants Rampart the ability to hold more mags for LMGs than other players, but it also allows her to reload at a more rapid speed than other players. This is the benefit of a weapons modder on a player’s team: With her previous experience in modding weapons, she also knows her way around them like nobody’s business. So despite the fact that that she’s a defensive player, these abilities also lend themselves to allowing her to take the team lead in certain situations.

5 Tips For Using The Tactical Ability

While Rampart’s defensive wall is great for sheltering the team and giving a much-needed damage boost, there are definitely some things to know about it prior to launching this bad boy. The shield is strong, but it does force players to be down low, so crouching is all part of how players will need to use this ability. The cooldown period associated with this ability is 30 seconds, so players should be mindful that whatever their plan is should be well-thought-out before giving their position away. This is why having the high ground counts for something, especially when the entire team is left exposed for half a minute.

4 How Best To Use The Minigun

Sheila is a powerful tool in the hands of someone who knows how to use it. While much of Rampart’s inventory when it comes to weapons (LMGs especially) have higher ammo reserves, the Minigun works in a way that’s somewhat opposite.

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Players are given a total of 150 rounds, which seems like a lot until half a player’s ammo is scattered all over the arena because of their lackluster aiming abilities. So while this gun comes equipped with a whopper of a load of ammo, the reload time is slower than other weapons, thus balancing out the risk and reward in using this ultimate ability.

3 Late-Game Ability Decisions

For serious tactical players, it makes sense to make good use of Rampart’s abilities toward the end of a match. Since she is a defensive player first and foremost, she has the unique benefit of being able to defend an area while team members take out any remaining parties. Between her tactical ability and ultimate ability, there’s almost no reason why a team shouldn’t at least end in the top five, with her being the last one standing.

2 Defending The High Ground

It’s been said once and it will be said again: Rampart does exceptionally well when her team is at a high vantage point. When the circle is closing in and the inevitable five-team-roster is left looting around, that’s the time to head to the cliffs or any number of rooftops. Rampart can be solely responsible for defending the fort from incoming players, while offensive and recon players take out remaining members. If Lifeline is in the mix, a team could virtually be unbeatable with a solid gameplan and some luck.

1 Communication Is Key

Not everyone has access to a mic when playing Apex, but it can only help when legends such as Rampart come around. Abilities are not unlimited and they do take time to recharge, so recognizing the perfect moment to let ’em rip is all part of playing the game. For those intending on making Rampart their main, a pair of headphones is almost a necessity when it comes to communicating with the team what the gameplan is. She can be a highly effective team member with a little ingenuity and careful planning.

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