5 Most Overrated 10/10 IGN Games (& 5 That Deserve Their Rating)

Though IGN is one of the biggest game reviewers today, they also tend to make some questionable verdicts. A 10/10 from IGN is rare. To qualify for a rating of 10 by IGN’s standards, a game has to be a “masterpiece.” As prestigious as this may seem, followers of the game reviewer will passionately challenge an unsatisfactory review made by the team, and satirically poke fun at IGN in the comment section.

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According to some critical followers, IGN would sometimes give bad ratings to good games, and give good ratings to lackluster titles. Everything on this list has received a 10 rating from IGN. With that being said, here are five games deserving of the award, and five other games where the golden buzzer was accidentally pressed.

10 Undertale (Overrated)

Undertale isn’t bad. In fact, it’s a magnificent story-driven 2D game with an amazing musical score to harmonize the experience. The game is an Alice In Wonderland-esque narrative where players fall into the underworld, discovering a whole mystic dimension filled with creatures of different sorts. This Indie game has gained a cult-following praising its creation like a timeless masterpiece.

However, the reason Undertale is overrated, by IGN logic at least, is that other games with as well-crafted stories as Undertale were given much lower ratings. Take Valiant Hearts for example. A beautiful story that sheds light on the terrors of WW1 but was rated a 7.7. By that logic, Undertale should then also be around a 7.

9 Celeste (Deserved)

If Dark Souls was a platformer, it wouldn’t be CupheadIt would be Celeste. This 10/10 IGN rated game has all different sorts of mobility mechanics beyond the typical jump and dash. Players take control of Celeste. A girl who has to climb the majestic mountain.

Across levels, there would be surfaces, platforms, and power-ups that interact differently with the character. There are also hazards across levels that require precise timing of maneuvers. The game requires focus and precision in this innovative platformer, blending gameplay well with the feel of climbing an actual mountain. Celeste definitely deserves its 10/10.

8 The Witness (Overrated)

The Witness is an open-world puzzle game with zero hand-holding, leaving players guessing even the instructions to a puzzle. Even the title choice is a puzzle on its own. The Witness has no interface or hud whatsoever. Players have to think and wonder how to get past a certain level and be critical about what the game world is trying to tell them.

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With no textual or verbal instructions, The Witness leaves the players to make out instructions by themselves like a Tape Face performance in Got Talent. Though the game respects players’ intelligence, a better job could be done in shaping the world to communicate instructions so that players don’t end up brute-forcing puzzles.

7 Persona 5 (Deserved)

Persona 5 is a JRPG centered around a group of high school students critical towards the adult-ruled system. Persona 5 gives character to the corrupt values in adults by personifying them as monsters to battle in the game. The group goes around ridding the world of the corrupt monsters, making a better community for all.

The story-driven game is filled with a ton of high-school drama; something that gamers will love. The game switches back and forth from a student simulator to a turn-based RPG game. Similar to how Rockstar’s Bully is. All in all, Persona 5 is an insanely fun game deserving of IGN’s 10 rating.

6 Super Mario Odyssey (Overrated)

The king of the platformer comes back with another adventurous innovation. Super Mario is a classic staple franchise in the gaming community. It’s like what Mozart is to music. Super Mario Odyssey is a great platformer that introduces a new mechanic– Mario can take the form of his enemies and use their abilities to leap huge distances and greater heights.

Super Mario Odyssey is a colorful animated game that’s perfect for everyone. But besides all this, IGN has rated similar games such as Spongebob Squarepants: Battle For Bikini Bottom a mediocre 5. This makes IGN’s decision seem based on the timelessness of the Mario franchise, hence the tendency to overrate Super Mario Odyssey.

5 Half-Life: Alyx (Deserved)

We may have not got Half-Life 3but this ‘Half-Life: Alyx‘ will very well do. The Half-Life games are classics of the modern FPS genre. Then, Valve innovates further and creates a Half-Life experience for VR platforms. The feeling of picking up items in the world alone, along with throwing them, is a surrealistic experience that gets so near to a life-like mechanic.

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Shooting weapons feel punchy, as with crowbar-ing through doors. Reloading is satisfying, and scaling towering buildings in the game’s urban landscape is best suited for virtual reality. On top of that, an entire functioning grand piano can be played in the game. This is one game that definitely deserves its 10/10.

4 Overwatch (Overrated)

Overwatch may have been Game Of The Year in 2016, along with being one of the most innovative games of all time; but when IGN updated Overwatch’s rating to a 10 in 2020, it left a lot of players in disbelief. Some players even speculated that the staff of IGN plays Overwatch disproportionately from other games, hence reviewed it from a biased standpoint.

The reason this 10 rating is questionable is, as a multiplayerOverwatch suffers from incomprehensibly long queue times, and needs some serious rework in order to balance out some heroes for competitive play. With games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Metal Gear Solid 5 receiving 10s, Overwatch is a long way from the likes of those. That’s not to say the game isn’t fun though.

3 God Of War (Deserved)

The God Of War franchise focuses on a creatively altered ancient mythology where the slashing demigod Kratos exists. Kratos slaughters huge mythological beasts like a sushi chef does octopus. In God Of War, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. A lot of people were skeptical about how 2018’s God Of War could pull off Kratos having a son.

However, Sony pulled it off so well with the story-rich experience. Combat is brutal and feels punchy, and slaying foes is as satisfying as ever. It’s beautifully unsettling to see the bloodthirsty Kratos as a loving caring father. A kind of unsettling that’s welcoming and heartwarming.

2 The Last Of Us Part 2 (Overrated)

The Last Of Us Part 2 received mixed responses from gamers for a reason that’s impossible to not spoil. A huge spoiler at that. TLOU2 felt like it was made with the sole intention to make fans of the franchise cry, but instead, pissed players off in undelightful ways. Somewhat poor execution of the narrative.

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The incredibly varied reception of the game shows that a lot of people will strongly disagree when it’s given a 10 rating. However, IGN did just that. Gameplay-wise, TLOU2 did innovate from the last game; and was made more fun when players were given the option to play songs on the guitar with Ellie.

1 Grand Theft Auto 5 (Deserved)

Considered as one of the best open-world games of all time, Grand Theft Auto 5 is filled to the brim with content and stuff to do. GTA V is enriched with a satirical story of today’s culture, along with giving players an urban world to wreak carnage on. Cars to blow up, bystanders to pick a fight with, mountains to bike down off, and so much more.

On top of the singleplayer experience, GTA V also offers an online mode called GTA OnlineMassive multiplayer lobbies are open for everyone to live their gangster lives in. Though the game was developed in 2013, it’s still going strong today as a timeless sandbox of fun and mayhem. GTA V is well-deserving of IGN’s 10/10.

NEXT: 5 Underrated Co-Op Games For Xbox (& 5 That Are Overrated)


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