PGA Tour 2K21 Interview: WWE’s The Miz Discusses the Game, His Love of Golf, and More

PGA TOUR 2K21 has arrived, and the golfing simulator from 2K and HB Studios brings the sport back to consoles with a splash. Filled with a unique Course Designer, a deep single-player, and tons of multiplayer options, PGA TOUR 2K21 is a pretty good game that should bring joy to golf fans. One of those fans is none other than WWE superstar Michael “The Miz” Mizanin.

The pairing of a professional wrestler and the tranquil sport of golf may seem odd at first, but 2K teamed up with the one-time reality TV star to promote PGA TOUR 2K21. Game Rant was able to sit down with him where we discussed his love for the sport, his favorite aspects about the game, and even some pretty great stories about playing golf with Robert Gronkowski.

The follow interview has been edited slightly for clarity and brevity.

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Q: Hello Miz, how are you doing today?

A: I am doing phenomenal. I have my golf clubs ready. I have my golf outfit on. In about 15 minutes, I’m going to be driving to Sherwood to play 9 holes, where I’ve wanted to play for a long time, but it’ll my first time, so pretty good.

Q: As soon as we saw the video that was put forth by 2K with you and Justin Thomas (cover athlete for PGA TOUR 2K21) we thought, that’s interesting that a WWE Superstar has that much interest in golf, enough so that 2K partnered with you for promotional purposes. With that in mind, when did you first fall in love with the sport of golf?

A: So my parents got a divorce when I was in fifth grade, and my dad was trying to find something to connect with me. I was involved in every sport, baseball, basketball, but he wanted to find something that he and I could do together. Gold ended up being it. So every weekend, every Sunday, I would look forward to it. My dad would pick me up and we would go to a golf course with my uncle and cousin. My dad and I would challenge my cousin and uncle, and whoever lost would have to pay for dinner. It was a fun time, I love golf. I can’t even remember a time that I wasn’t golfing, yet you’d think after all these years I would be better.

Golf is one of those things that if you don’t play every day, you will lose your swing. Even if you do play every day you will still lose your swing. You are always working on it. Honestly, a lot of people spend time on Instagram looking at cars or houses or their friends, but I spend it looking at golfers. I spent 20 minutes the other day watching Justin Thomas do a putting routine. A one minute video, I watched 45 times. I wanted to see what he was doing with his putting that was so different than anyone else. That’s what I do.


Q: There’s something very interesting about the dichotomy of you being a WWE superstar and loving the sport of golf because they probably couldn’t be any different, other than being sports. Do you agree?

A: Yes and no. I love the amount of focus that golf requires. The feeling and finesse. Being relaxed. There are very big similarities in that kind of aspect, in the mental aspect as WWE. When I go out in the ring ,I have to be laser-focused. I have to listen. I have to be relaxed. If I am at all tense, I will run out of breath and I will not be able to do it. Meanwhile, if I am tense when I am golfing, I am going to hook or slice it. I’m not going to hit it straight because I am not relaxed enough, I am not finessing my swing. WWE is the same way. So yes, there are differences but there are similarities in every sport.

I just enjoy going out and smelling the fresh-cut grass. I enjoy being in nature. I enjoy hitting a golf ball just right. Like yesterday, I was about 50 yards from the hole. It was a par 3. I hit the first shot about 50 yards from the hole, which sucked, I sliced it a bit. So I thought about it and I said to myself, alright I am going to chip this ball and aim right for the leaf on the green. I’m going to try to hit that leaf, if I do that, I can make the shot. So I chipped it and I literally hit the leaf that I wanted to, and the ball starts rolling down the hill towards the hole.

If the ball doesn’t hit the flag, the ball will roll off the green. But the ball hit the flag pole and went in the hole and I couldn’t believe it, I sunk a 50-yard chip. And then the next hole I went to drive and I didn’t even hit it past the ladies tees. So, you know, one moment you are on a high and the next moment you are brought back to reality.

Q: That’s amazing, have you ever hit a hole in one?

A: I’ve never gotten a hole in one, I’ve never even come close. I’ve been playing since I was in fifth grade, which is crazy.

Q: You say you haven’t progressed since you were in 5th grade with your skill level, but do you think you’d beat most professional athletes in golf, other than golfers themselves?

A: That’s an interesting topic of conversation because I want to get this out there. So when 2K came to me and said we want to use you for promotional purposes for PGA TOUR 2K21 I said, “oh my god, this is an amazing thing.” They told me that the first thing I needed to do was interview the cover guy, Justin Thomas, the number one golfer in the world. I thought it was amazing. I got to interview Justin Thomas and I ran through the questions that they wanted me to ask. But then I was able to ask him some more personal questions. I asked him if he could look at my swing, to see if I should do anything differently.

So through a Zoom call, I’m showing him a video of my swing and he is guiding me and telling me all the things I’m doing wrong. I’m thinking, “oh my god to have this guy with me while playing would be amazing for my game.” Just seeing a video, he is able to help my swing. Not only that, but I also was thankful and appreciative of the help and my confidence was up, so I said, “now, I think I can beat you.”

Justin Thomas said, “I don’t know about that.” So I said, “if you gave me 30 strokes there’s no doubt in my mind I could beat you,” and he goes, “no you can’t.” I go, “Justin, you’re telling me, 18 holes of golf and you give me 30 strokes, 30, you could beat me? And he says, “not only would I beat you, I would crush you!”

By the way, this is Justin Thomas. Justin Thomas isn’t arrogant or cocky. He is one of the nicest guys. You watch him on interviews and you think, this is the nicest guy in the world. But all of a sudden you could see the competitive drive, you could see why he’s the number one golfer in the world. You saw the confidence. It wasn’t arrogance or cockiness, it was a matter of fact. So I told him,”let’s do it, 30 strokes” and Justin said, “anytime anywhere.”

So I thought, “2K, you need to set this up!” Let me ask you a question. Do you think I (The Miz) could beat Justin Thomas if he gave me 30 strokes? 30. (We told him that if you has been golfing since he was in the 5th grade, he should be able to beat Justin Thomas with 30 extra strokes) Right? You would pick me. You would pick me. This isn’t a weekend of golf. This isn’t one day you do well and the next you do bad, this is just 18 holes of golf with 30 strokes and Justin was still so confident. He didn’t even hesitate.

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Q: 2K needs to set up that golf game. But you could also play against him in PGA TOUR 2K21, have you been able to play it yet? What are some of your favorite things?

A:  I have, I have seen everything that they have. Honestly, this game looks gorgeous and is so much fun. I enjoy creating my own character in PGA TOUR 2K21 that looks just like me, that is what they did in our commercial for the game. You can also create your own course, your own greens and fairways. That is the fun aspect for me. But if you want to go competitive, you can go against Justin Thomas or other professionals on real courses. I want to see The Waste Management Pheonix Open because it is always mayhem there, and it’s always fun to watch. Now to see it in a video game is incredible. I’m excited about that. The game is just so much fun to play.

Q: One of the most iconic moments in golf is Tiger Woods hitting that hole in one on the 16th hole in the Pheonix Open and hearing that crowd roar. Now to be able to do that yourself with your own created MyPlayer is great, isn’t it?

A: Yes, have you ever been to the Phoenix Open? I went there. I was on that 16th hole and I was one of those idiots just chugging beers and being loud while watching golf. That’s the thing I love about the Phoenix Open, it’s so anti-what golf is. Golf is quiet and traditional. But when you are at the Pheonix Open, you just hear people screaming “let’s go,” “come one,” “hit the putt!” It’s almost like being in a WWE arena, like our new Thunderdome if you will.

Q: That’s so great that you were there in the stands, and it’s cool that PGA TOUR 2K21 lets players enjoy it as close as possible without being there. Have you ever played on any of the courses that are maybe in the game?

A: I played in Connecticut, I was on a team with Von Taylor, myself, Joe Pesci, and Gronk as a foursome. This was a while ago, we didn’t win, but it was a lot of fun. It was the Traveler’s Cup. And I recently did the Genesis in LA at the Riviera, it is gorgeous. I had an amazing drive on the 10th hole. Everyone was watching and they announced my name and when I got up there I cranked it 300 yards. As soon as I hit it I was thinking, alright I am done, I can walk away now.

Q: There’s gotta be an amazing story with you (The Miz) and Gronk.

A: Oh yes! So we were golfing and we did a challenge. I am left-handed and he is right-handed. I gave him my clubs, and he gave me his clubs. On one hole, we switched and Gronk ended up beating me. He got an 8 and I got a 9. That’s how bad it was! Think about it though, we are playing at a Pro-Am, and me and Gronk are switching clubs with opposite hands. We are getting 8s and 9s, and Von Taylor is looking at us asking us “what the hell are you guys doing. We are supposed to be going for the win. And you guys are switching clubs?”

Q: So if Gronk got an 8 playing with the wrong hand, what would he have gotten with his correct clubs? Is he good at golf? 

A: I think Gronk is good at everything. He’s one of those talents that literally if he focuses and hones in, he just has the athletic ability. I feel like if Gronk played golf for the first time ever he’d be good at it. That’s the type of caliber of person he is. He is just good at things.

Q: What about you and him in the WWE ring?

A: Oh man, him in the WWE ring? I was hoping he would stay longer so I could beat him! But he has some duties in Tampa Bay. I can’t wait to see Gronk and Tommy back in the NFL and see what they can do with that franchise.

Q: Maybe after he retires for a second time, after winning 4 more Superbowls with Brady, you and he can duke it out in the ring?

A: Yes, it’s a match made to happen!

PGA Tour 2K21 is out now on PC, PS4, Stadia, Switch, Xbox One.

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