League of Legends: 10 Champions Who Deserve An Ultimate Skin

Riot Games recently released Valorant-a tactical FPS that rivals Overwatch in gameplay. No matter how well Valorant does, Riot will always be known as the developer who brought League of Legends to life in 2009, and the popular MOBA has since become one of the most played games in the world.

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League now has more than 150 champions, all of whom come with their own skins. Every champion receives at least one Epic skin, but some champions are given one or two Legendary skins, and a very select few receive an Ultimate skin which is valued at over $30. As of now, there are only five Ultimate skins in the game, and they are defined by their advanced visual and sound effects, and of the more than 140 champions that remain, there are several who definitely deserve their own pricey skin.

10 Cho’Gath

Cho’Gath made his Summoner’s Rift debut back in 2008, and the Terror of the Void has since received two Legendary skins-even though Gentleman Cho’Gath feels more like a simple re-skin, but at least his Battlecast skin comes with its own effects and animations.

Whenever Cho’Gath successfully eats something with his ultimate, his health increases along with his size, and when Riot released his Darkstar skin, it was noted that his appearance changed after several successful ults. With this in mind, Riot can offer players a variety of different looking Cho’Gath’s-similar to how the Lux and Miss Fortune Skins work.

9 Yasuo

2013 saw the release of Yasuo, a champion who is despised by many players because many of the people who play him are known for being toxic during ranked games. All this animosity has not stopped Yasuo from getting skins though, as Riot tends to release at least one every year, and they do this because all of his skins sell well.

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Yasuo has already received a Legendary skin with amazing effects, and considering an Ultimate skin costs over $30, Riot would be foolish not to give one to Yasuo, especially if they do something like “Sword Master Yasuo” which allows him to change the appearance and effects of his sword-similar to Cloud from Final Fantasy 7.

8 Kha’Zix

Much like Cho’Gath, Kha’Zix hails from the void, but he is by no means a tank. This giant praying mantis is an assassin who stalks the jungle, and he does this by jumping around and turning invisible for a time.

As the game goes on, Kha’Zix can evolve to suit the needs of the team, and when he evolves his appearance changes ever so slightly, whether it be his claws extending, developing growths on his shoulders, growing wings, or his entire body darkening in color. These changes are perfect to base an Ultimate skin around seeing as Pulsefire Ezreal’s appearance changes in a similar way.

7 Azir

Azir officially debuted in 2014, and he is still played quite a bit professionally because of his range, damage potential, the ability to create towers, and an ult which can knock back and displace the entire enemy team.

The Emperor of the Sands has not received a skin in over three years, which is strange seeing as his Galactic, Warring Kingdoms, and Gravelord skins each have impressive effects and visuals. An Ultimate skin would work because any changes done to his appearance throughout the game can be added to the soldiers he summons, who have their own sand effects, and if Riot gives him the Elementalist treatment, there could be a variety of stunning effects.

6 Jayce

Since his debut in 2012, Jayce has been troublesome to deal with at top lane, and it all stems from his ability to swap between a melee and ranged form. When pressing R Jayce’s Mercury Hammer transforms into the Mercury Canon, and with the right items, he can take off half of an opponent’s health with one shot.

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If Jayce were to get an Ultimate skin, his physical appearance will have to change to some degree, but the main focus will have to be his weapon. Seeing as it has two forms already, Riot can just give players multiple weapon looks to swap between at any time, each with its own colors and effects, just like the DJ Sona skin.

5 Gnar

Gnar has been a mainstay in the top lane since his release in the summer of 2014, and many consider him to be the cutest of the Yordles, but appearances can be deceiving. When Gnar uses his ultimate he transforms into Mega Gnar, an angry behemoth who is capable of knocking back and slowing the entire enemy team.

It is because of this transformation that Gnar would be a prime candidate for an Ultimate Skin, because if they give him a real dinosaur/prehistoric themed skin, he can swap between animals in a way that makes his ult truly unique.

4 Shyvana

Shyvana has been a part of the game since 2011, which is why she is next up for a full champion rework. Her most defining feature is the fact that she transforms into a dragon every time she casts her ultimate, and Riot can do a lot with that ability skin wise.

Since Shyvana is half-dragon, Riot could try and give her a “Dragon Master” Ultimate skin, which could allow her to transform into miniature versions of the dragons that spawn on Summoner’s Rift, including the all powerful Elder Dragon.

3 Xerath

Of all the Ultimate skins, Elementalist Lux is still the most extravagant, but it also happens to be the skin most worthy of its price tag because it is essentially ten skins in one. How the skin works is quite simple; every time Lux lands a spell, a meter increases, and once it gets full the player can choose one of four elements and Lux then assumes that element, which she can later combine with another element. Each variation comes with its own spell effects.

Xerath is also a ranged mage who has four skill shots, and based on the quality of the effects of his Guardian of the Sands and Darkstar skins, he is a perfect candidate for another Elementalist skin, or at the very least a similar skin that requires him to actually land his abilities.

2 Aphelios

Aphelios may no longer be the newest champion, but he is still quite young, and is fairly popular despite the fact that he is a bit confusing to use. The reason for this is because he is an ADC who alternates between five weapons which have different stats, abilities, range, and effects.

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Aphelios may only be a few months old, but the guns make him a prime candidate for an Ultimate skin, especially since Riot can give him a “Gun God” or “Bullet Lord” skin. For such a skin to really stand out, Riot will have to give Aphelios several alternate forms which could come with different variations for each gun, and a sweet spot would be four variations for each.

1 Teemo

League has several champions who can be considered mascots, and Teemo is definitely one of them. Teemo is special because people love to play him, but they also hate playing against him, and it has to do with the fact that he poisons and blinds opponents, but he also places poisonous mushrooms throughout the map that turn invisible and explode on contact.

Teemo may already have a Legendary, but an Ultimate skin would be way too enticing to pass up. The only type of skin that would fit Teemo would be one that turns him into some sort of robot or cyborg who gradually has pieces of his body augmented as the game progresses.

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