The Mario Anniversary Pack is Bad News for Fans Hoping for Virtual Console on Switch

An anniversary like 35 years is worth celebrating, as not every game series can claim that kind of longevity or rich history. In that sense, it’s fitting that Nintendo wants to celebrate by looking on Mario‘s past with Super Mario 3D All-Stars. Mario’s break into the 3D world with Super Mario 64 and his later adventures in Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy are finally coming to Switch as a means of celebration. All three of these games are landmark titles that showcase Nintendo experimenting with the Mario formula over the years. Each game found new ways to deliver platforming adventure, and they’re all worth revisiting on Switch.

However, such a rich collection comes with a drawback for certain fans. Two years ago, Nintendo discontinued the Virtual Console system, a means by which players could digitally buy past Nintendo titles and enjoy them on newer consoles. Nowadays, certain titles are available in a similar way thanks to Switch Online, but die-hard Virtual Console fans might consider that more of a consolation prize than a true substitute. Although there wasn’t much hope that Virtual Console was about to make a comeback, this Mario collection really puts the nail in the coffin because it shows what Nintendo wants to do with classic games instead.

RELATED: Super Mario 3d All-Stars Represents 3D Mario Through Generations

In another world, Nintendo did extend Virtual Console to the Switch, but not in the real one. If that had happened, odds are it would’ve wanted to celebrate the occasion with some really high profile games. Nintendo is hardly short on franchises with major titles, but considering how important Mario is to the company, odds are at least one of those games would’ve been something like Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, or Super Mario Galaxy. Titles as important as these would’ve demanded to be included on the service, and they’re fondly remembered games that surely would’ve sold extremely well on Virtual Console.

Instead, Nintendo is putting these games together in a package for purchase, far beyond Virtual Console or even Switch Online. Maybe this is part of Nintendo’s new plan: older and simpler games that are easy to port will show up on Switch Online, while newer, bigger remasters will be reserved for special occasions and released in packages like Super Mario 3D All-StarsIt’s entirely possible that this anniversary collection is Nintendo testing this strategy. Depending on how well 3D All-Stars sells, Nintendo might feel compelled to do something similar for franchises like Zelda or Metroid.

RELATED: Everything Nintendo Announced At Its Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary Direct

Odds are pretty high that Super Mario 3D All-Stars will see some serious sales. It’s so hard to experience some of these games nowadays that it’s hard to resist the urge to snap up a copy and enjoy some Mario history, but the fact that this collection is only a limited release also creates a some urgency to acquire it. By duplicating this strategy, Nintendo could make a lot of money off other nostalgic collections like this one, as mentioned before. Striking on such a lucrative model also makes it all the more likely that Virtual Console really is gone forever. Virtual Console let anyone come back to games like these anytime, but limited releases of special collections lead to a major sales rush.

It’s not that the Virtual Console wasn’t successful — on the contrary, fans loved its huge selection of games from many consoles and the services lasted for many years. It just looks like Nintendo wants to restructure the way it handles its older properties. The Nintendo eShop and Switch Online will work together to provide games online, while Nintendo potentially handpicks major titles to reserve for special edition remasters. Only time will tell if this model is lucrative. There’s plenty of games that fans would likely be eager to see in similar collections, but there’s always the risk the formula wears off. If that ever happens, maybe Nintendo will finally think twice about leaving Virtual Console behind.

Super Mario 3D All Stars releases on September 18th for Switch

MORE: The Super Mario 35th Anniversary Direct Means Big Things for Zelda in 2021


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