Guardians of the Galaxy’s Michael Rooker Beats COVID-19

Michael Rooker, star of Guardians of the Galaxy and space pirate with the voice of a chain smoking angel, just revealed to fans that he has beaten COVID-19. Of course he did! He’s Mary Poppins, y’all! Adding the virus to the growing list of things whose butt he’s whooped, Rooker spread the news in a Facebook post briefly detailing his ordeal.

Alongside a photo of a negative COVID test, Rooker gave the fans some straight talk, chatting about his experience with the virus before assuring everyone that he was no longer infected. Those following him on social media already knew that he’d been self-quarantining in a comfy trailer for a little while, so he started by confirming what fans likely already suspected. “If y’all aint [sic] figured it out by now why I’ve been isolating in this crazy awesome Airstream of mine,” he said, “let me help y’all out by saying I’ve been fighting off COVID-19.”

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Like other celebrities who have chronicled their COVID journeys (recently including Dwayne Johnson), Rooker offered his own insight. “I’ve come to the conclusion that there aint [sic] a whole heck of a lot one can do externally, to fight off COVID-19 once it has gotten into your body,” he stated, before clarifying, “this is my personal opinion, definitely not the conclusion of some scientific study.” As such, he elected not to take any supplements or other medications in the interest of not putting any extra strain on his body.

Some other tidbits of info he revealed included how his condition seemed to change day to day, going from “feeling like crap” to “pretty dang good, semi human in fact” throughout any given week. Ultimately, however, Rooker’s COVID chronicles culminated in a no-nonsense declaration of his victory over the virus, with a clear and unambiguous “My body has won the WAR!”

Fans of Rooker’s work (or just fans of his delightfully present personality) must be relieved at this news. His performances as Yondu in the Guardians of the Galaxy films and Merle Dixon on The Walking Dead have paired well with his approachable demeanor during his various convention appearances to endear him to audiences. Plus, with the relatively recent announcements of his future involvement in James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad as well as the next Fast & Furious film, eager moviegoers can breathe a sigh of relief knowing those announcements weren’t premature.

Considering how things tend to go nowadays, it’s always refreshing to see even the smallest oasis of good news like this. Best wishes to Rooker, and hopefully his recovery is only the latest in a long and healthy trend as the year continues.

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Source: Michael Rooker/Facebook


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