Overcooked: All You Can Eat Adding Assist Mode and More Accessibility Options

Overcooked is a series that thrives on chaos. When the main objective is putting together several different meals in a short amount of time, things can get wildly and enjoyably hectic. That being said, with the upcoming next-gen Overcooked compilation, Overcooked: All You Can Eat, extra care is being taken to make it “the most accessible version of Overcooked yet.”

On the PlayStation Blog, publisher Team17 revealed that the collection will be introducing an Assist Mode, an accessibility option that is showing in more games these days. Here, it will allow players who might have trouble easing into Overcooked’s madcap gameplay to adjust a few key factors, like the length of a round, the amount of points received from completed orders, and the time they have to complete orders. Players will even have the option to turn off order timeouts entirely, if they don’t want to worry about failed orders.

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The Assist Mode will also be accompanied by a number of accessibility options. For starters, players will now be indicated by specific shapes as well as colors, a change intended to make it easier for those with color-blindness to follow along. Additionally, Overcooked: All You Can Eat will come with an option for dyslexia-friendly text for all dialogue boxes, as well as the ability to adjust UI text like subtitles and menu descriptions. This will be in addition to a general menu overhaul that will offer seamless navigation between the compiled games and their DLC.

In closing, Team17 teased that it will have more information to share on All You Can Eat soon, including a look into how it will utilize the unique features of the PS5’s DualSense controller.

Overcooked: All You Can Eat is in development PS5 and Xbox Series X.

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Source: PlayStation Blog


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