10 Best Capcom Characters Ever, Ranked | Game Rant

When one considers Capcom, talk is usually about their greatest games according to critical achievement. However, a very important factor that goes into making these titles the successes they are comes down to the characters involved. These can make or break a series, and the greatest ones remain well-known decades after their arrival.

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Capcom has done well in both the antagonist and protagonist areas, having been responsible for delivering noteworthy characters. In order to appreciate this, it’s worth taking a look at which one of these is the best. For this list, certain characters have been omitted in order to avoid one franchise to dominate, although you’ll still find familiar faces here.

10 Strider Hiryu

It’s a shame the character’s legacy hasn’t extended as far as it could have. However, Strider personifies the days where arcade-based games were all the rage, with his appearance holding up even three decades after his debut. 

He easily gets full points as far as visual appeal is concerned, being one of few protagonists who doesn’t say much and still remains engaging. He’s the go-to character for those who love ninja-based material, with Strider acting as the template for future Capcom characters to be shaped after as well.

9 Chun-Li

In a series dominated by masculine figures, Chun-Li has stood out as a kickass female character. Her story of seeking revenge for her father’s death has always been presented in such a way that she comes across as relatable.

Chun-Li is also one of the most cosplayed characters from Capcom. This fan following stems from Chun-Li’s leading roles in the game as well as media such as films and TV series. Her hard-hitting style perfectly encapsulates Capcom’s own signature, and Chun-Li has remained relevant even decades later.

8 Jill Valentine

Jill’s clearly the best character out of Resident Evil 3, where she was the main protagonist. She’s one of the greatest for Capcom overall, too, what with her iconic status in gaming. Being one of the first truly leading female characters at the time, Jill set a standard for characters to follow for years to come.

Unlike quite a few Resident Evil characters, Jill has a more human touch to her characterization, which makes her journey all the more intriguing. Her winning quality ultimately comes down to Jill having been put through a world of danger and remain interesting, ensuring she can carry a game’s story all on her own.

7 Vergil

A good villain is hard to come by in gaming. Not because of powers or story, but due to the difficult nature of having chemistry with the hero. That’s not a problem for Vergil, though, who’s equally as imposing on-screen as his younger brother Dante.

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Vergil’s completely unique style — which doesn’t resemble Dante at all — allows him to stand out as his own character. His tragic background, combined with his charismatic attitude, makes for a villain that Capcom very much lucked out with. So much so, that he’s even transitioned into an anti-villain role as of late.

6 Ryu

Street Fighter is one of the few series that still managed to have a superb fighting game in the 2010s. This kind of staying power has rested on the back of its main hero, Ryu. While the classic heroic figure’s charm has diminished in recent times, Ryu has been able to remain relevant.

His inner rage and capacity for good have made him the poster figure of the Street Fighter series. Considering how the franchise continues to lead the fighting genre landscape, Ryu has remained right at the top and is still as one of Capcom’s most recognizable figures. Not to mention how he’s made his power moves so catchy and entertaining to follow.

5 Phoenix Wright

It’s a mark of a character’s ability to hold players’ interest when the games in question are essentially interactive novels. Phoenix Wright deserves all the credit for this, what with his aloof but good-natured charm that keeps players invested in him and the story.

His characterization might be inconsistent on occasion, but this has the effect of making him more grounded since it shows how even he can be unsure of what decision to make. Wright’s occasional goofiness also provides comedy where needed, and all this makes him a very well-rounded character.

4 Albert Wesker

He might have died in Resident Evil 5, but Wesker’s return is still one of the things fans want in new Resident Evil titles. That’s because you never forget the first villain who impacted your gaming experience, and that honor remains with Wesker. Who can forget how he made the first Resident Evil such a classic with his villainy?

His calm but dangerous mannerisms make him impossible to read, and this naturally allows him to be all the more interesting. Mainly, it’s Wesker’s ability to be paired with any hero and still make the story work that wins him the place of the greatest Capcom villain.

3 Mega Man

You just know that Mega Man himself will be ranked at the top of the best characters in his series. Considered by most as the mascot for Capcom’s branding, Mega Man success has seen another version in Mega Man X also being brought to the fold.

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It’s Mega Man’s simplicity that makes him so significant, personifying the everyman trope in gaming. Mega Man’s presence is to highlight the supporting characters and the villains, serving the role of the protagonist figure who goes up against all the odds. His popularity has only been cemented with time, as Mega Man has achieved nostalgic heights as well.

2 Leon Scott Kennedy

It’s clear that Leon is the best character out of all the Resident Evil protagonists. This has to do with his “fish out of water” personality, which sees his determination to be his main character trait. Leon always perseveres towards victory despite not being the biggest or most dangerous character.

There’s also the humor he injects in the series, something pretty much no lead Resident Evil character can claim to bring. Also a romantic figure, his interactions with Ada Wong are the only trace of a love story in the series. All things considered, Leon’s ability to outshine everyone in his series has made him one of the best for Capcom as a whole.

1 Dante

The best Devil May Cry games in the series have Dante as its main lead. Stylish, cool, badass, and even filled with a sense of empathy, he’s the complete package one wants in a heroic figure. Every word uttered by Dante can be considered a catchphrase, and his mannerisms deserve a whole list dedicated to them.

Dante’s become an even more layered character due to this association with his brother and rival Vergil, as well as his dynamic with his nephew Nero. The guy is a total badass with a 100% likability factor, and Capcom should pat themselves on the back for bringing forward such an iconic character in gaming history.

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