Java Weekly, Issue 351

1. Spring and Java

>> Java 15 is released! []

Java 15, a new Java version packed with new and exciting features, is released: Sealed classes, Pattern matching, Text blocks, Records, Shenandoah, ZGC, and many more!

>> Relational Database Source and File Sink []

A practical guide on how to use Spring Cloud Stream to read data out of a relational database and dumping it to a file.

>> Hibernate schema generation []

And, exploring different strategies to generate DDLs automatically in Hibernate and their use cases.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical

>> Deconstructing Dynamo []

A set of techniques to create distributed, highly available, scalable, fault-tolerant, and eventually consistent systems.

Also worth reading:

3. Musings

>> Customizing your GitHub profile – Scripting []

Meet the new GitHub Profile: advice on how to organize the GitHub profile and also, a Kotlin script to keep it up to date.

Also worth reading:

4. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> Applying Math To Guesses []

>> Augmented Reality []

>> Betting On Management []

5. Pick of the Week

>> I’m a very slow thinker []

The post Java Weekly, Issue 351 first appeared on Baeldung.



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