Apex Legends players Duncan McLeod shocked the internet when he posted an awesome clip of him singlehandedly wiping out an enemy squad. McLeod is better known as the man behind the ‘Boomer Gaming’ YouTube channel, and aims to prove that age doesn’t have to affect a gamer’s skill. With enough practice and dedication, even someone like 55 year old McLeod can be a valuable asset on a team.
McLeod is a self-proclaimed “Boomer,” poking fun at his own age and drawing in viewers due to his unique skill. The clip below should be all the proof that fans need to see that age doesn’t really matter, as he exhibits reaction time and positioning of a top tier player. Some would say that Apex Legends is all about positioning and reflexes, so this puts him in a great spot.
The clip is taken from a recent YouTube video in which McLeod discusses how to get better at movement and positioning within Apex Legends, something he clearly demonstrates rather well. Those players looking for ways to get better at the game should consider checking out his channel, as he explains things rather thoroughly and has been helpful to many other players.
This clip even caught the attention of a developer, as Respawn Entertainment’s social media manager commented on the clip. As if that weren’t impressive enough, McLeod uses the opportunity to list off the biggest things Apex Legends needs to fix, even going so far as to link to his videos on how he thinks that could happen.
Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.
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