Code Vein: 5 Reasons Why It’s The Best Soulslike Game (& 5 Titles That Are Better)

The Soulsborne series is considered by many to be one of the most influential and important series in video game history, with Dark Souls being the catalyst for the video game industry to finally cater to a market that had been fed scraps for the longest time — a community that actually treasured games which challenged them throughout and didn’t hold their hands at every step of the way.

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Thus, a new wave of Soulslikes perforated the market, each of them bringing their own unique twist to the formula that players all over the world had fallen in love with. Code Vein is one such title that is easily among the top of the best Soulslikes around… although this might be a rather debatable topic, given that numerous games that fall under the Souls umbrella have seen the same amount of praise onto them.

Keeping this in mind, here are five reasons why Code Vein is one of the best Soulslikes that players can try out, coupled with five other games that nail this formula just as well, if not better.

10 BEST SOULSLIKE: The Anime Artstyle Is Definitely Quite Charming

The idea of an anime Dark Souls seems so ludicrous, and yet that’s exactly what Code Vein emulated with excellent results.

One can’t help but look at the game and feel the charm just oozing out of every pore… which admittedly does feel a bit at odds with brutal nature of the game’s combat, but it’s still a positive regardless.

9 BETTER TITLE: Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight is definitely one of the best Soulslikes around, and arguably one of the best Metroidvania games of all time. The fusion of this genre with the Soulslike formula is rather popular in indie gaming, but Hollow Knight manages to be a cut above the rest with its amazing presentation and gameplay.

People who are into tough Metroidvania games should definitely try this game out — they certainly won’t regret it.

8 BEST SOULSLIKE: The Combat Is Challenging And Enjoyable

Code Vein stays true to one of the main aspects of Soulslike games — challenging combat that never oversteps its boundaries and always manages to entertain the player at every step of the way.

Playing solo is definitely the way to go if the player wants to experience the toughest version of Code Vein. The odds are stacked against the player at every step of the way, and the act of clearing areas and beating bosses just feels all the more enjoyable as a result.

Not that one shouldn’t try out the co-op of this game… but that will be elaborated upon later.


The original Nioh was a great game that certainly ticked all the Soulslike boxes, but its sequel is such a massive improvement in every way that it almost feels like an entirely new experience.

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Nioh 2 is a must-play for anyone who is invested in Soulsborne titles. The combat is excellent, the bosses are grand, and the locations are a joy to explore.

6 BEST SOULSLIKE: Co-Op Makes The Experience Way More Enjoyable

Code Vein feels like a completely different game if you choose to play co-op. All of a sudden, characters can be revived, enemies can be taken out easily, and bosses can be distracted to make for a smarter way to fight.

The fights are still challenging, and players who communicate and mow down waves of enemies will definitely be satisfied with the overall experience.

5 BETTER TITLE: Mortal Shell

One of the more recent Soulslike games to come out is Mortal Shell, and its a testament to the quality of this title that most people already consider it to be one of the best Soulslikes ever made.

It’s not just the combat — the environments and atmosphere of Mortal Shell feels as bleak, oppressive, and mysterious as any From Software game, making for a Soulslike game that definitely does justice to its moniker in every way.

Plus, the ability to harden the middle of combat certainly adds a much-welcome layer of strategy to the tried-and-tested combat of any Soulsborne game.

4 BEST SOULSLIKE: The Areas Are A Blast To Explore

Code Vein‘s art style is delicious to behold, and this hold true for the areas that the player explores as well.

Whether it be a rather mysterious cathedral or a ruined city, rest assured that each zone will be a ton of fun to navigate, whether with a friend or solo.

3 BETTER TITLE: Blasphemous

Another Metroidvania Soulslike makes an appearance on this list, this time in the form of Blasphemous. This title is undoubtedly one of the goriest games on this list, with religious motifs and allegories across the board.

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The platforming in this game might be somewhat frustrating — with the instant-death spike pits being the number one cause of death for most players — there’s no denying that playing this title is as satisfying as a Soulslike can get.

2 BEST SOULSLIKE: The Story Is Actually Quite Intriguing

The setting of Code Vein is genuinely quite interesting, and this background fuels what is definitely one of the better stories in any Soulslike title.

The fact that this game has multiple endings as well goes to show that Bandai Namco definitely put a ton of work into the plot.

1 BETTER TITLE: Demon’s Souls

It might be somewhat easy to put a From Software title in the list, but the fact of the matter is that most people have never really got to enjoy the masterpiece that is Demon’s Souls.

It’s a title that lit the spark for From Software’s unmitigated success, and this game is finally being given the love it deserves as a remade launch title for the PS5 after all time time. Bluepoint Games seem to be doing a truly brilliant job of remastering this title, and one can’t wait to get their hands on this game — along with the PS5 — on November 12th.

NEXT: Code Vein: 10 Things To Do After You Beat The Game


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