Call of Duty: Warzone Player Saves AFK Teammate from Gas in Creative Way

With season six finally here in, Call of Duty: Warzone players have been discovering new strategies and tactics for the recently added changes to the popular game mode including an all new subway system. While there may be new content to explore, one thing that hasn’t changed much is the gameplay, pushing players to survive all other players to be the last ones standing. When in a group, sometimes players may need to go the extra mile in order to ensure survival.

One of the best showcases of unconventional teamwork comes from Reddit user ByAlexandros. During a match, Alexandros was in a tough spot as not only was the gas closing the size of the map, but their teammate has went AFK for a moment. Not wanting to leave their teammate behind and likely killed by the gas, Alexandros decided to take action and push the teammate to safety. In this case, that mean using a vehicle to get the job done.

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After getting into a Tactical Rover vehicle, Alexandros approached the idle teammate and began slowly pushing them forward as close as possible to the safe zone by the time they got back. Surprisingly, the teammate’s character model was instead automatically scooped onto the hood of the rover. In this case, Alexandros was free to drive around with the teammate seemingly stuck to the hood of the vehicle.

The short clip posted to the Call of Duty: Warzone subReddit has already garnered a ton of attention and praise from other community users. While most left comments in agreement that this selfless act was really awesome, a few people were a bit puzzled at the lack of realism being displayed. One comment that frequently appeared was the disappointment that players could stand on top of a moving vehicle and not get flung off, stuck to it like they’re wearing magnetized boots. Others noticed the lack of damage the teammate received by essentially being run over by a car.

While this was simply a clever move by a player using the game’s mechanics to their advantage, the community has been filled with reports of other odd behaviors and newly discovered bugs following the season six update. One of the biggest issues being highlighted by the community is in regards to the guns introduced in season 6. The AS VAL in particular has subsonic rounds which basically allow players to shoot through walls without difficulty or damage drop off like other weapons. With the right loadout, even the SP-R208 is also capable of basically hitscan, not requiring players to lead their shots or worry about bullet drop at longer ranges.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone are available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Complete Modern Warfare and Warzone SP-R 208 Breakdown


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