10 Star Wars Squadrons Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

Star Wars: Squadrons came as a bit of a surprise to some when EA revealed it back in June. With both VR and HOTAS support as well as a wide range of spaceships from across the franchise, fans were excited to see what developer Motive Studios had in store for them. Thankfully, the short window between the game’s announcement and release meant that players didn’t have to wait too long to find out. The game released on October second and, although it is not without its flaws, players seem to be enjoying themselves for the most part.

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Along with Squadrons came the usual flurry of memes, which are fast becoming the players’ way of showing developers what they love and hate about their games. From some old classics to some new creations, these are the best Star Wars: Squadrons memes that the internet has to offer.

10 Red Forman, Standing By, Dumbass

You just can’t beat the classics. The ‘Standing By’ memes have been floating around the Star Wars franchise for years now. Given Squadrons‘ link to the movie scene that led to the meme’s creation, it’s not surprising that so many are being created to coincide with the game’s release.

There are plenty of great examples to choose from, but this shopped image of Red from That 70’s Show takes the proverbial cake. Red’s military background would make him a great asset to the rebel forces, although they might need to hire a few extra medics to deal with the increase in the number of foot-in-ass incidents if he were to enlist.

9 So So Tired

The game’s ranked matches have been blighted by a combination of connection issues and people dropping out, and some players have had enough. Although there are penalties for leaving a ranked match mid-game, they really don’t seem to be helping too much.

Worse still, game crashes and connection problems mean that many legitimate players are being penalized even when they are not at fault. This can make it more difficult for them to join future ranked matches and so is obviously not ideal. Fingers crossed EA can sort the problem out soon.

8 Begun Again, The Clone Wars Have

To say that there is a lack of customization options available in Squadrons would be a bit of an understatement. With just eight human characters to choose between and no option to change facial features or hairstyles, it really is slim pickings. As a result, lobbies like this are a fairly common sight.

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Not since the Clone Wars has the Galaxy witnessed so many identical dudes preparing for battle. It may only be pre and post-match that avatars are shown, and cosmetics are nowhere near as important than actual gameplay, but that doesn’t make it any less bizarre-looking, though. The team at Motive could certainly learn a thing or two from some of the other games out there.

7 This Guy Is A Cereal Winner

Some things are just more important than Rebel vs Imperial. Sure, the fate of the galaxy is on the line and countless people have given their lives for the cause, but there are other scores that need to be settled.

The Cereal Skirmish is the battle that we’ve all been waiting for. Rumor has it that it would go on to be one of the most fiercely-fought fights in the history of the Star Wars franchise. While both sides inflicted casualties, the real winner here was the internet. What better way to start the day?

6 Frame Rate Issues? Just Gotta Crank Down The Settings A Little

There have been quite a few players complaining about performance problems in the game’s opening few days. From frame-rate issues to connection problems, many have been critical of EA’s decision to release the game in its current state.

While EA is reportedly working hard to fix some of these issues, some fans aren’t letting the problems spoil their fun. There have been several memes making light of the game’s technical problems, with Reddit user Heavy Cavalry SGT achieving a steady 60 memes per second with this one.

5 Times Are Tough…

Not everybody can afford to go out and drop $40 on a video game right now. In fact, thanks to COVID-19, many people can’t even go out. The “Squidward Indoors” meme captures this sentiment perfectly and is something that we’ve all experienced at one time or another.

For that reason, it’s easy to emphasize with Reddit user MD-19. It must be incredibly frustrating watching the rest of the internet enjoying Squadrons, especially after waiting months for its release. On the bright side though, there are plenty of memes for them to enjoy while they wait for payday. EA may even have fixed the game by then, too!

4 Is That Stormtrooper #71,256?

The Star Wars franchise has a huge cast of characters and it’s growing all the time. With books, movies, and TV shows from which to draw inspiration, the developers of Squadrons were spoiled for choice when it came to selecting characters for the game. Some Star Wars characters are more recognizable than others, of course.

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While not every fan has explored all that the extended Star Wars universe has to offer, the vast majority have watched the movies at the very least. Although it’s not quite as satisfying as when a character says the name of the movie during the movie, it’s always nice for fans to see their favorite characters in other mediums.

3 Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

The Imperials and the Rebels have had beef with each other for a long time now. Thousands have died and planets have been obliterated, and there’s no sign of the conflict ending anytime soon. Reddit user CamboMatic is hoping though that the galaxy in which they kiss and make up is not too far (far) away.

Although many players have their favorite when it comes to the rebel vs imperial conflict—like previous Star Wars gamesSquadrons does encourage them to empathize with the other side. Players rotate between the two factions with each mission, so players should come away with a better understanding of their enemies at the very least.

2 Expectation Vs Reality

While trailers can do a great job of showing off a game’s graphics and gameplay mechanics, they can sometimes make the game appear a lot easier than it actually is. Developers spend huge amounts of time to capture footage that looks both fluid and effortless, and this can lead to players booting up the game with unrealistic expectations.

That seems to have been the case with Squadrons. Many players were surprised at the game’s high difficulty level, particularly in the game’s online mode. It really can be unforgiving at times, and there is a squadron of memes reflecting this. The reality is, keeping a positive KD ratio in Squadrons really isn’t easy.

1 Boost Drift FTW

The vehicle in the “Swerving Car” meme ain’t got nothing on the interceptor. It seems like Motive designed the ship with exploiting the game’s drifting mechanic in mind. While regular turning often works just as well, why on Earth would anybody choose to do that when they can drift, instead?

Playing around with Squadrons‘ drifting mechanics is arguably more enjoyable than playing to the game’s objectives. It’s not uncommon to see players drifting aimlessly around the map, although it’s possible that the enemies they were pursuing just got disconnected or quit out of the game.

NEXT: 10 Hilarious LEGO Star Wars Memes That’ll Make You Wish You Were A LEGO


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