Modern Warfare Fan Discovers An Invincible Chicken | Game Rant

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is extremely detailed with extra attention paid to realism. Players’ guns, outfits, and environments all match realistic standards, with Modern Warfare fans discovering new details constantly. When a player discovers something unrealistic, the community quickly gathers to observe the strange anomaly.

From flies appearing in Modern Warfare to the detail on the weapons, the game gives an intense sense of realism. The few moments where fans find unrealistic detail draws massive attention as they are both unexpected and often humorous. As with many great finds in the video game world, this one revolves around a chicken found by a curious Modern Warfare fan.

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In a video posted by relaxyourbeans on Reddit, a chicken stands prominently in center frame. As the author unloads ammo into the chicken, it simply does not die or seem to even care about the oncoming fire. This confirms that the chicken is in fact invincible, breaking the realism of Modern Warfare but making fans ask some very interesting questions. On other maps, fans have noted that the chickens can, in fact, be shot. Although it is not clear what map this chicken is on, it does break the game’s realism and stand defiantly against any potential chicken killing players.

Some players are accounting the invincibility of the chicken to the player’s poor connection. More accurately, because the player may not be in sync with the game, the bullets would never have interacted with the chicken model. The minimap provides some insight into this theory, but without any lag in other player movements, it seems more likely that the chicken is simply one of a kind.

Many video games provide funny results and alternatives to players who decide to kill livestock. From Witcher summoning a monster after a certain amount of cow deaths to the famous cuccos effect from The Legend of Zelda franchise. Even Skyrim offers some humor, as killing chickens inflicts the same amount of crime points as murder.

In the end, this is a rather minor detail to the overall gameplay, but it does fascinate many members of the Call of Duty community. While many players mean no harm to the clucking map companions, other fans may find it frustrating that this chicken simply defies death. Whether this is intentional or not, it does make this chicken stand out from the crowd and stand proud of its own bullet invulnerability.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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