Skyrim: 10 Interesting Details You Never Knew About Namira

Upon traveling to the city of Markarth in the southwestern parts of Skyrim, the player might come across a very bizarre and dark quest related to an infamous Daedric Prince known as Namira. After being approached by Eola and invited to join her group of cannibals, the quest properly begins.

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Namira is one of the more evil and darker Daedric creatures within the game, and to top it off, her artifact isn’t known to be extremely powerful. That being said, her quest presents one of the biggest moral questions to the player who must choose where they stand. Even after, her character still has many unknown details most players haven’t heard of.

10 The Mushroom Named After Her

Players who enjoy using alchemy and who are well-versed in its art will recognize one of the key ingredients that’s named after Namira herself. This white and brown mushroom is actually named Namira’s Rot and is pretty commonly found all around Skyrim.

Some of its effects include Damage Magicka, Fortify Lockpicking, Fear, and Regenerate Health. Overall, however, it first comes across as a toxic ingredient, but will pair well with some other substances to make a powerful potion.

9 Two Different Cults

Namira has been in the game for a very long time, and thanks to that she has appeared to players numerous times. Thanks to this, quite a bit is known about her, as well as the people who somehow end up serving her and worshiping her as their primary saint.

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In Oblivion, the Forgotten Ones are introduced as a cult of monks living in the darkness and serving Namira, unable to face any source of light due to its brightness. Later on in Skyrim, Eola’s cult is known as the Coven of Namira, which is a collection of random NPCs all united in their twisted need to consume flesh.

8 Representative Of All Things Repulsive

Namira isn’t just a representation of cannibalism, even if that might seem like it after Skyrim’s storyline. For several games now, she has mainly represented all things repulsive and decaying. Flies, insects and everything that represents rot is often attributed to her.

That being said, the greatest pleasure she can gain is watching mortals being consumed, most likely because it’s the ultimate act of something universally disgusting. Other creatures like spiders and slugs have also been related to her due to their gross appearances.

7 Lives In The Scuttling Void

Namira’s plane of existence in the Oblivion is known as the Scuttling Void. Sadly, not much is known about this plane, because it simply hasn’t been visited by anyone ever before. The legend says that even non-human creatures have never made it into Namira’s realm, which is why there’s no accurate description of it.

One can only imagine what this place resembles. However, in The Elder Scrolls Online, it is implied that the Dro-m’Athra who reside in Valenwood are actually originally from this plane and that Namira would have once claimed their souls.

6 Hates Attractive People

Although Namira is portrayed as a woman in some cases, and as a fairly beautiful one, she’s a Daedric Prince, meaning she doesn’t actually need a human-like form. She’s simply a power that exists among others, and energy of sorts.

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Moreover, Namira absolutely hates good-looking creatures. She prefers her worshipers to be as ugly as possible, and will often show herself to be as repulsive as possible. As such, handsome or beautiful worshipers will struggle getting her attention when trying to summon her.

5 Namira’s Ring Enchantments

The Ring of Namira is the Daedric artifact received at the end of the quest The Taste of Death in Skyrim. That said, this legendary ring has been seen before in The Elder Scrolls series, and its effects haven’t always been quite the same depending on the game. The only game it didn’t appear in was Morrowind.

In Oblivion, the ring could reflect 12% damage and 10& spells. However, in Skyrim the ring had a more specific effect to it that made it more unique to Namira. It increased Stamina by 50 points and also increased regeneration of Health and the overall Health pool whenever the Dragonborn would feast on a corpse.

4 First Recorded Meeting

Not much is known about the actual birth of Namira, or Daedric Princes in general. However, it’s rumored that the first time a mortal came into contact with Namira was in Valenwood, when a character known as Wheedle met Namira who was disguised as a traveler.

When Wheedle realized this was in fact Namira herself, he asked to become an apprentice for her and to gain power through her teachings. However, it took 33 days to convince Namira, after which she granted him special powers and features, stating he had proven himself worthy.

3 Once Tormented The Hist People

Namira has also been involved in the matters related to Hist people, the precursors of modern Argonians. A long time ago, Namira’s presence was known in Black Marsh. Her influence on the lands and its people was so strong it caused them to become hostile.

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It wasn’t until the Vestige, the main hero of The Elder Scrolls Online, managed to remove Namira’s presence from the region and bring back stability with the use of Namira’s Hand.

2 She Asks For A Priest Of Arkay

Although the two major games that introduced cults of Namira, Oblivion and Skyrim, had major differences in how the cults operated, there was one aspect that made them extremely similar to one another.

In both cases, the player was tasked with bringing in a Priest of Arkay to the shrine and have them killed. In Skyrim in particular, the priest served as a meal for the Coven of Namira and even the Dragonborn is asked to feast on his body. This makes sense, since Arkay is a divine being that opposes all things undead.

1 The Legendary Beggar Blessing

If the player discovers the book The Beggar Prince in Skyrim, they’ll be given a detailed description of what it means to become a blessed champion of Namira. Wheedle’s story did not in fact end with him simply receiving raw power. He actually became a legendary beggar.

As a beggar, he would be able to get pity from anyone who passed him, would hear any important gossip at any time and could give himself any possible disease he could think of. These might seem like bad blessings, but he became a beggar who knew everything about anyone, and always gained the pity of those around him, most likely earning himself a nice fortune.

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