EVE Online ‘Phoenix’ Update Ends Year-Long Story | Game Rant

Any MMORPG must carefully regulate and update itself in order to keep player engagement steady. Considering it’s a game where one player bid around $40,000 on one ship, it’s safe to say EVE Online has its players engaged.

In truth, EVE Online is not like other games, or even like other MMORPGs. Many of the things that make the game tick, from resource farming sites to the mightiest ships, are owned, operated, and created by players. It’s a game where players regularly come together to form corporations (clans/alliances) to accomplish incredible things. More often than not those things are dastardly, but they are regularly of the players’ design with little interference from EVE‘s devs. That doesn’t mean that PVE is completely lax, however, as anyone living through the Triglavian Invasion can attest.

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The Triglavian Invasion started in May of last year, with the alien species invading EVE‘s world of New Eden through wormholes. Alien invaders battled the standard NPC police/military ships of the game for control over sectors. All of this came to a head earlier this year. EVE Online releases new features in Quadrants: each year has four Quadrants with significant changes grouped within them. This is still a relatively new method for EVE developer CCP Games, but has worked so far. The third Quadrant of 2020 has just wrapped up, and the fourth and final Quadrant, titled “Phoenix,” has begun.

The Phoenix Quadrant will see players experiencing the aftermath of the Triglavian Invasion. At the end of the third Quadrant, the Triglavian Collective took hold of 27 star systems, changing how they behaved and what could be done there. This was done with the help of players who fought for the Triglavians, as players could side with or against them. New events are also scheduled for the quadrant, including the returning Crimson Harvest and Yoiul Festival, with new updates to Supercarriers and the Abyssal Proving Grounds also promised.

It should be mentioned that while players have engaged with the Triglavians, that’s not all they’ve been doing. EVE Online is primarily player-driven when it comes to significant events. Even as they’ve been handling PVE, players have also been helping fight COVID-19 with the Citizen Science project.

In addition, players have been fighting each other as much as the Triglavians. A huge war has been going on in EVE Online, and it shows no signs of stopping. EVE Online is the rare game that engages intrusively (in a fun way) in both PVP and PVE, and odds are it will continue to do so.

EVE Online is available on Mobile and PC.

MORE: EVE Online Sets Record For Biggest PVP Battle in History


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