The Wolf Among Us 2 Release Date: Every Rumor and Theory

Most players that have been paying attention to Telltale Games would likely agree that the studio has had a bit of a tumultuous couple of years. In September of 2018, players saw Telltale performing mass layoffs that ultimately resulted in the developer shutting down. This lead to the cancellation of many of the games the studio had in development, including The Walking Dead: The Final Season which was actively releasing episodes. Afterward, bearing the same name, a new company with its assets was born.

The new Telltale games was reborn and resumed production on many of its projects, including The Wolf Among Us 2. The Walking Dead: The Final Season finished its season of three episodes and the new Telltale was able to maintain the rights to several of its previous properties like Batman and The Wolf Among Us.

RELATED: Everything We Know About The Wolf Among Us 2

It’s likely that because of these shaky few years that fans were surprised when Telltale announced at the 2019 Game Awards that the first new game it was working on was The Wolf Among Us 2. While the original had a bit of a cult following behind it, the game didn’t perform well financially in comparison to Telltale’s other properties like The Walking Dead, Borderlands, or Game of Thrones. But since this announcement, players have been feverishly attempting to figure out when they’ll be able to pick up on Bigby Wolf’s latest adventure.

While an official release date hasn’t been announced for The Wolf Among Us 2, there are a few things that can be gleaned to provide players a general release window. For one, it was revealed after the game was announced that The Wolf Among Us 2 had begun development from scratch, rather than what Telltale had begun production with on The Wolf Among Us Season 2 in 2017. In general, it seems that the game development cycle takes anywhere between two to three years before a game sees launch.

While this information would suggest that players likely wouldn’t see The Wolf Among Us 2 until 2022, other sources seem to indicate that the sequel is coming even earlier. A leak from one Reddit user that seems familiar with Telltale’s dealings indicated that The Wolf Among Us 2 will be coming in 2021. This user also stated that production was running smoothly as the new Telltale has been working to eliminate crunch from its culture. However, the Reddit user kept their identity anonymous, so it might be difficult to verify the accuracy of these claims.

Unfortunately, this is as much information players have been provided for The Wolf Among Us 2‘s release date goes. While this isn’t a lot to go off of, it might be safe to assume that the sequel will launch in late 2021 or early 2022, especially since Telltale has a history of releasing the first episode of a season near the end of the calendar year. October 13, 2021, will mark the 8 year anniversary of the original game’s release, and while there’s nothing particularly significant about the number 8, there’s always the possibility The Wolf Among Us 2 could release around the same time.

The Wolf Among Us 2 is currently in development.

MORE: The Case for Bigby Wolf in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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