Java tip: Deploying JavaFX apps to multiple environments

JavaFX 2.0.2 and successor SDKs let you deploy JavaFX applications in multiple environments including as a standalone app, via Java Web Start, or embedded in a web page. Jeff Friesen follows up his recent introduction to JavaFX 2.0 with this short tip on deploying JavaFX applications.

If you’ve read my three-part introduction to JavaFX 2.0, then you will be familiar with JPadFX, the Swing-based notepad that I used as a refactoring example for that series. Even if you’re not familiar with JPadFX, you should be able to follow this tip. We’ll concentrate on deploying the application, so you won’t need to know much about its internals. Do go ahead and download JPadFX now.

To read this article in full, please click here


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