There are many dangers in the province of Skyrim, from dragons to bandits and even chicken necromancers. While most enemies won’t pose a problem for you so long as you have solid armor and appropriate weapons, there are a few encounters you’ll want to delay for as long as possible.
Beginners who are just starting out in Skyrim won’t have to worry too much about these creatures for some time, as many won’t even be available until much later on in the adventure. That being said, if you’re looking to gear up for the future and want to know what’s coming, here are ten of the most powerful enemies you’ll encounter in Skyrim.
Updated on September 4th, 2020 by Anastasia Maillot: The frozen plains of Skyrim are filled to the brim with enemies, and depending on the type of build and character type the player has, some of them are potentially incredibly deadly. With DLCs, the selection of these creatures has further expanded.
Although the difficulty of a fight will greatly depend on the build and gear of the player in mind, some of these opponents can be quite scary when not countered properly. Their environments also play into how challenging they feel to the player. Here are five additional beasts of Skyrim that make even seasoned players shake in their boots.
15 Giant

Giants are not technically an enemy, given that they’re passive beings who don’t go out of their way to seek out the player and attack them. They’re just herding their mammoths, and will only attack as a form of self-defense or if the player gets too close for comfort.
Giants are slow-moving, which makes them easy to counter. However, what’s devastating about them is their ability to one-shot a player and literally send them to space with a single swing of their club. Archers, however, will deal with them fairly easily from afar.
14 Sabre Cat

Sabre Cats are some of the strongest natural animals found in the province of Skyrim. They can be difficult to spot from afar, but once they notice the player they’ll bound off towards them at high speed with no mercy at all. Those front fangs alone should be a testament to their toughness.
Sabre Cats are absolutely destructive at close range and deal a ton of damage. On top of that, they’re very fast and able to keep up even with players who have high stamina. Tanky players with heavy armor are best prepared to deal with them.
13 Troll

Trolls are one of the enemy types that get a bit easier to deal with as time goes on, but in the first thirty levels, the player will struggle to deal with these beasts if not properly prepared. In particular, the frost troll guarding the path to High Hrothgar can be deadly for low-level beginners.
Trolls of all kinds have a natural ability to regenerate health, which is why fighting them fair and square is very difficult. Only fire, their natural enemy, will take care of them quickly enough.
12 Chaurus Reaper

In the depths of Skyrim, living among the Falmer, are these large critters known as Chaurus. In the darkness it can be very difficult to spot them, and fighting them in the claustrophobic tunnels and Dwemer dungeons can be a real headache even for experienced players.
The Chaurus Reaper is perhaps the strongest of its kind. It can even disguise itself as a Falmer chest and ambush the player, dealing immense damage at close range. Its shell-like exterior makes it highly resistant to damage as well.
11 Revered Dragon

Dragons in general can be a headache, given it’s the right kind. Most basic brown dragons won’t cause a player much trouble due to their predictable flight and attack patterns, but when other skills are thrown into the mix, dragons become a real challenge to deal with. That’s the case with Revered Dragons.
They’re exclusive to the Dawnguard DLC and are distinguished by a bright orange appearance. True to the theme of the DLC, they have the ability to drain the player’s vitality, which is incredibly annoying in combat. Moreover, they can appear surprisingly early on in the game, starting around level 33, while they tend to be around level 62.
10 Lurker Vindicator

If you own the Dragonborn DLC, these ferocious creatures can be encountered in the plane of Apocrypha and occasionally on the island of Solstheim. These terrifying beasts are actually Daedra, who would usually be servants of the Daedric Lord Hermaeus Mora. However, during the quest that leads the Dragonborn to Miraak, it becomes evident that he has taken control of these mighty beings.
Lurkers will fight you hand to hand, using their claws to swipe at you, but are highly vulnerable to ranged attacks.
9 Forsworn Briarheart

The Forsworn are a ferocious group of natives to The Reach, but what you may not know is that there are especially ferocious men who have given up parts of their humanity among their ranks. Briarhearts are partly undead Forsworn, and rank high in the group as they’ve had their hearts torn out and replaced with a Briar Heart.
Some Briarhearts are powerful casters capable of summoning astronachs to aid them, while others are skilled melee fighters, often dual-wielding weapons. However, if you target their heart with an arrow, you will deal a bit of extra damage to them.
8 Draugr Death Overlord

Draugr are fairly easy enemies to deal with at first, but once you hit level 21, your expeditions to the Nordic ruins will become significantly more difficult. These Death Overlords will be waiting for you at the end of the dungeon and are capable of using the Unrelenting Force shout on you.
Not just that, they can also use a Disarming shout on you, which can make battling them particularly awkward if you can’t pick up your weapon fast enough. Truly, these guys are a headache to deal with.
7 Nightmaster Vampire

For those who have the Dawnguard DLC, the Nightmaster Vampire will be somewhat of a frightening encounter. Most commonly you’ll meet them at various vampire lairs around Skyrim, but it’s also possible to find them attacking cities or villages.
While the Nightmaster Vampire doesn’t deal a lot of raw damage in terms of its weapon of choice (which is usually a dagger), it’s a powerful spellcaster with a wide range of different abilities it can use to reanimate corpses around it to come to its aid.
6 Forgemaster

Originally, we wanted to include Dwarven Centurions on this list. However, the Forgemaster is the strongest of its kind and deserves this special spot. Even if you don’t own the Dawnguard DLC, you’ll get plenty of chances to meet these massive and frightening Dwemer creations capable of pummeling you to death.
The Forgemaster guarding the Aetherium Forge is much larger and more terrifying in terms of size and skill, however. It will breathe fire instead of steam on you, and will be generally very resistant to all damage. Frost spells will serve you well against it, though, so keep that it mind.
5 Legendary Dragon

Dragons won’t be your biggest worry, despite their prominence in the lore of Skyrim. They all have the same patterns of behavior and flying, which makes it easy to predict their movements. That being said, the dragon that will do the most damage to you is the Legendary kind included in the Dawnguard DLC.
You’ll recognize them by their large curved horns and purple scales from far away. With around 4000 HP and starting at level 75, they’ll use the Drain Vitality shout and (depending on their element) breathe Frost or Fire on you.
4 Ebony Warrior

Included in the Dragonborn DLC, the Ebony Warrior is a mysterious fighter who seeks a true challenge. Once you reach level 80, he’ll make his appearance and challenge you to a duel, as he wants you (and no-one else) to send him to Sovngarde.
He carries an impressive armor and is a highly skilled enemy capable of draining your vitality with his sword and using Unrelenting Force. He’s smart enough to restore his health regularly, and will even use a bow with paralysis to strike you from afar.
3 Miraak

One of the most ferocious enemies in Skyrim, included in the Dragonborn DLC, is Miraak. He’s also the main antagonist of the DLC. Miraak claims to be the first Dragonborn and he’s able to enslave dragons to do his bidding. He’s also highly skilled with Shouts, which he’ll utilize against you while being mostly resistant to your Shouts.
His kit is similar to a Dragon Priest, with a whole host of healing and shock spells, as well as a sword that allows him to inflict stamina damage. What makes him extra annoying is the fact that he can scale up to level 150 and restore his health by sacrificing one of his dragons when growing weak.
2 Karstaag

Another ferocious creature from the Dragonborn DLC, Karstaag is a ghostly frost giant that must be beaten when summoned. As a reward, it can then be summoned three times to aid you in battle. It has an incredible amount of health, up to 4000 HP, and will deal large amounts of damage at close range.
It’ll regenerate health quickly and will use Ice Wraiths to further complicate your task. It’s even able to summon a blizzard to the battlefield, which can drain stamina and health over time as you struggle to conquer this hardy foe.
1 Dragon Priest

There’s nothing more terrifying in Skyrim than the wrath of a Dragon Priest. These old servants of the dragons, buried in their eternal slumber, are awakened when you step foot into their Nordic ruins.
Each of them possess unique skills and spells to torment you with, but as a general rule, they are powerful spell casters that hover quickly around the battlefield, making them hard to hit with a bow from afar and deadly to face in close quarters. Once defeated, their masks can be collected, and will provide you with extraordinary bonuses in combat.

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