‘Fortnite’ Streamer Pays Off Mom’s Student Loans

One of the most cursed types of recurring “feel-good” stories these days go a little something like this. Against all odds, someone suffering under the crushing effects of American capitalism miraculously escapes. And instead of considering how ridiculous the scenario was, we just admire their scrappy spirit. “Child Opens Lemonade Stand to Pay for Parents’ Six-Figure Debt.” “Thousands Donate to GoFundMe to Keep Person From Literally Dying From Lack of Health Insurance.” Maybe the problem is… the system?

This article is basically one of those stories. So I just had to get those opinions out of the way. But like I said, the problem is the system, not the folks doing what they can to mitigate its horrific effects. And we should feel happy when they succeed, like when, say, a pro Fortnite streamers pays off his mother’s student loans live on stream.

Aydan Conrad is one of those young Fortnite streamers who makes way more money playing the game than any of us will see in our lifetime, hundreds of thousands for dollars of being publically good at the battle royale. And to succeed at such an absurd life goal, it surely pays to have a supportive parent.

That’s why it was genuinely touching to see Aydan repay the favor on a recent Twitch stream. In front of his followers, Aydan called his mother to tell her he had paid off her student loans. She went from disbelief, to crying in gratitude, to thanking the viewers and telling them to subscribe. A pure story of family love perfect for the internet.

For more on Fortnite check out this Ninja skin and learn how even a TV show like The Mandalorian is benefiting from the game’s success.


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