Japanese Billionaire Decides He Doesn’t Need a Girlfriend to Visit the Moon

Yusaku Maezawa is SpaceX’s first citizen astronaut (via Yasunari Kikum)

Money really can’t buy you love.

Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa has pulled out of a reality TV show designed to find a female partner for his journey to the Moon.

The 44-year-old entrepreneur was revealed in September 2018 as the first private citizen to travel beyond low-Earth orbit.

But the 22nd richest person in Japan doesn’t like to be alone.

Maezawa plans to assemble a band of virtuosos (painters, photographers, musicians, film directors, fashion designers, architects) to accompany him to see the Moon “up close.”

It won’t be a romantic trip, though.

Worth an estimated $2 billion, the art/antiques/supercar/wine collector decided not to compete in “Full Moon Lovers,” a “serious matchmaking documentary” from Japanese video streaming site AbemaTV.

“Due to personal reasons, I have informed AbemaTV … with my decision to no longer participate in the matchmaking documentary, hence requested for the cancellation of the show,” Maezawa wrote in a tweet.

“Despite my genuine and honest determination toward the show, there was a part of me that still had mixed feelings about my participation,” he explained.

Single ladies aged 20 or older—with a bright, positive personality, the desire to live life to the fullest, a wish for world peace, and an interest in going to space—were encouraged to apply online by Jan. 17.

“To think that 27,722 women, with earnest intentions and courage, had used their precious time to apply makes me feel extremely remorseful to conclude and inform everyone with this selfish decision of mine,” Maezawa said.

“I understand that I have disappointed many people—the applicants and all the staff from AbemaTV who were involved in the production—and I apologize to everyone for my unfavorable actions,” he continued. “I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart.”

No more sorry than thousands of gold-digging applicants trying to score a free ride to the Moon and 15 minutes of fame.

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