Despite a rocky launch riddled with bugs and microtransaction controversies, EA’s Star Wars: Battlefront II has kept plugging along, fixing enough issues and adding enough heroes to become a respectable sort of Star Wars Smash Bros. It’s got Luke, it’s got Leia, it’s got both old and young Han, and it has more than a handful of obscure characters like Bossk and the Clone Commandos from cult classic FPS Star Wars: Republic Commando. A new update early last month even added BB-8 and a First Order equivalent, BB-9E, to the roster. And now, thanks to a clever fan mod, you can now play as Baby Yoda in Battlefront II as well.
Coming to us from user nanobuds, the Baby Yoda mod replaces BB-8’s skin with one for Baby Yoda, sitting back in his spherical bassinet. It’s a pretty clever take, and one that fits better than the more obvious answer of replacing the skin on Battlefront II’s Yoda hero. I’m not sure I could take the site of my favorite infant doing fifty flips a minute and chopping folks in half with a lightsaber.
Still, that’s not to say Baby Yoda is completely in character here. Because he’s just a visual overhaul for BB-8, that means he’s equipped with BB-8’s moveset instead of one developed just for him. And while seeing his bassinet rolling around on the ground part is plenty believable, it’s a little hard to see my boy going around using BB-8’s shock prod weapon to essentially force lightning people. I guess there is that scene in Mandalorian where he starts to force choke Cara Dune, though…
If you don’t mind that more badass take on Baby Yoda, you’ll be happy to know that BB-8 is currently pretty high on Battlefront II’s tier list according to top commentators like YouTuber SammyBoii, meaning that Baby Yoda should have no problem taking on literal Sith Lords, at least with the right team. That cable spin ability is especially impressive.
You can download the Baby Yoda mod over on nanobuds’ nexusmods account. If you’re looking for something more official, meanwhile, Battlefront II’s recently released “Age of Rebellion” update has also added playable Ewoks to all rebellion-era game modes, as well as an Imperial spy unit called the ISB agent.

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