JavaFX 14 enhances API, mobile support

JavaFX 14, the latest version of the open source, Java-based, rich client application platform, has arrived. The new version features improvements related to the top-level API as well as mobile development.

For the API, functionality was added to make it easier for developers to build custom controls. In the mobile vein, JavaFX for mobile SDKs are now built from OpenJFX, the same source as for desktop JavaFX. Combined with the GraalVM native image AOT (ahead-of-time) compiler, JavaFX now achieves high performance on mobile, while developers can use the same JavaFX APIs for mobile as for the desktop.

JavaFX 14 also fixes a number of bugs related to animation, CSS, and running JavaFX on macOS 10.15 Catalina. The new version also updates the underlying implementations used for the WebView component and media functionality, and enables support for HTTP2 in WebView. 

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