Old Man is a new single-player scenario free to Arma 3: Apex owners

Arma 3: Apex has received a free new single-player scenario.

Old Man is a new campaign available now to owners of Arma 3: Apex. Like the game’s previous scenarios, Old Man is a self-contained story that takes place in the game’s reality-based, fictional world.

Being tied to Apex means the open-world action will unfold in Tanoa, the expansion’s tropical region. Old Man tells the story of a former Legionnaire who’s spurred back into action after Tanoa is hit with a new strain of malaria.

Developer Bohemia reckons it’ll take you ten hours to complete. Old Man makes use of Tanoa’s 100 square KM location, which is where you’ll be let loose to get the gear and weapons you need, and freely tackle any of your objectives. You’ll be able to fast travel between discovered safe houses, and you can even advance time.

If you never grabbed Apex, or don’t own the base Arma 3 itself, the game and all of its expansions (including Apex) and DLC are on sale for 70% off on Steam until April 21.

The post Old Man is a new single-player scenario free to Arma 3: Apex owners appeared first on VG247.


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