15 Easiest Platinum Trophies To Get On PS4 | Game Rant

Platinum trophies are no small deal to a completionist. These achievements are proof that a player shows dedication, diligence, and perseverance when tackling many challenges games have to offer. In the PS4 generation, these achievements are treasured more than ever.

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The games on this list, however, are the exact opposite. It gives the player the least amount of trouble in order to complete and earn the platinum. For a lot of these games, the player is only asked to get through them and little else. Here are ten of the easiest platinum trophies to earn on PS4 right now.

Updated on September 6th, 2020 by Elise Nelson: As dedicated PS4 gamers know, the coveted Platinum trophies are obtained once a player has collected every other trophy in a single game. This is quite a challenging and time-consuming feat for longer and notoriously difficult-to-play titles like the infamous Cuphead. Gamers who don’t have a ton of time on their hands but still want to unlock these achievements are not at a loss, though. There are tons of games that can land a Platinum trophy in as little as 30 minutes. Others take more time, but are still incredibly easy.

15 Goat Simulator

You’re a goat. And you want to cause as much damage and mayhem around you as possible. This open-world game is a relatively simple Platinum achievement because of its simple premise. Most of the trophies come from destructive quests, such as blowing up a gas station or headbutting a handful of people. There is a level of difficulty to this game, though, only from one horrific achievement called The Flapmaster.

A mini-game called Flappy Goat is just as infuriating as the iPhone game Flappy Bird. It’s very glitchy, and one wrong move will fail you. Once you’re past this, it’s smooth sailing for the remainder of the game.

14 Until Dawn

Until Dawn is a bit more time-consuming only because it requires multiple play-throughs to get every trophy. As a decision-based story, your actions affect the next part of the game. Making the right combination of choices is crucial to unlocking trophies, so it may be handy to have a guide as you play the game over and over. Thankfully, it’s a pretty fun and interesting title.

13 The Little Acre

The Little Acre is a point-and-click adventure set in 1950s Ireland. A man named Aiden and his daughter, Lily, are sent to a strange world while they search for Aiden’s father, an inventor. The two must find their way back while simultaneously solving the mystery of Aiden’s father’s disappearance. There are a number of difficult obstacles in the way, but you can manually save and try again if you make a mistake.

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On your first playthrough, do a speedrun. There’s a trophy for completing the game in an hour. Then you can go back and collect the other trophies to achieve Platinum.

12 Arise: A Simple Story

Arise: A Simple Story follows a man who is stuck in purgatory and must relive the most important moments in his life. Overall, the gameplay is just as simple as the story. There are a multitude of trophies to earn, but there is a list that tells you exactly what you need to unlock the achievements.

For each stage, you must complete it in full, then complete it again with a certain condition. There are also art collectibles hidden throughout the game.

11 Color Guardians

Color Guardians, a light-hearted action platformer, followers three adorable floating characters who work to restore life to the world. The game takes about five hours to earn the Platinum trophy. It follows a side-scrolling formula with orbs in multiple lanes.

Some things are easy to miss at first, but you can easily select the level again to shoot for the trophy objectives. The game is also on PS Vita, so you can get trophies there, too.

10 Infamous: First Light

Perhaps the hardest platinum to acquire on this list because it asks the player to do a bit more work aside from the main missions. That is not to say this isn’t an easy plat to attain. However, as the challenges and objects to collect can easily be swept up in one playthrough.

The main game, as well as all the objectives, will take you just about 9 hours to complete. And, for a game that goes for less than 20 dollars, it is quite a great deal for completionists.

9 Life is Strange

The first story-based game on this list, and quite a solid one, at that. Life is Strange is chock full of amazing moments and engaging characters, and, as a game that can easily be beaten in a little under 12 hours, the platinum trophy is incredibly easy to attain as well.

All it asks of players is to take a set of optional photos in each chapter, and that’s about it. Even without the incentive of an easy plat, it is still an excellent game that everyone should get to play.

8 Tales From The Borderlands

Another story-based game among many on this list. To keep things fair, we’ve limited the number of Telltale games on this list as there’s quite a lot of them all having easy platinums up for grabs.

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Why Tales From The Borderlands stands out among the others, however, is that it’s not only an easy plat to acquire, but also an enjoyable experience, as well. Players, especially fans of the Borderlands series, will enjoy this game, especially for the humor and overall fan service the game entails.

7 Nubla

Nubla is perhaps the most artistic game on this list. The visuals are unique and have an aesthetic, unlike any game you’ll see on the PlayStation store. The best part about Nubla—at least to completionists—is the little amount of effort it takes to complete the story.

Its gameplay consists mainly of puzzles that are relatively straightforward to accomplish. It literally takes less than an hour to complete Nubla. If players wish, they could even go a step further to purchase the second game, which is an exact copy of the original, but with an extra demo added, and all for just about 10 dollars.

6 My Name is Mayo

My Name is Mayo is famous for being a cheap and easy plat to attain in the gaming community. But, hey, trophies like that are the main point of this list. The game is for anyone who wishes to increase their PSN level or just round up their platinum collection.

All the player is tasked to do is tap a jar of Mayo multiple times while the jar occasionally wears various costumes and skins throughout the process. Yes, it’s all very weird, but, still, a plat is a plat, and, at about $0.99, it’s a rather cheap one at that. So, why not?

5 The Order: 1886

Another game that tasks the player to do little more than the main quest, The Order: 1886 is one of the earliest PS4 exclusives. It’s an excellent game and is highly underrated. With about only 22 trophies in total, it doesn’t take a lot of effort for a seasoned gamer to earn the platinum.

All it asks is to find some collectibles and to kill a certain amount of enemies in a number of ways. Players will also be allowed to pop in and out of chapters to find any missing collectibles, which is always a nice feature.

4 Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture

Another artistic story-based game on this list, but this time it’s a walking simulator. Players will go on a journey to unravel the mystery to the emptiness of the world by following some narrative sequences.

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As a plus, the game takes a short while to beat, not unlike a lot of walking simulators with the incentive of an easy plat as well. All the player has to do is do some extra side stuff and earn the platinum in just about three hours.

3 Slyde

Slyde is quite frankly a laughable game. This game was advertised and sold on the store for less than a pound—it’s only available on the EU store—as a free platinum.

All players need to do after booting this “game” is put it on medium difficulty, then finish the easiest puzzle in gaming, and they’ll have earned platinum. It takes literally a minute to earn this platinum trophy, which is both hilarious and shameful. But, again, that is the purpose of this list, and a plat is a plat.

2 Donut County

Donut County is one of the most fun and engaging indie titles of this generation. The characters are quirky and engaging, and the gameplay is there simply to relax the player, along with its smooth soundtrack in the background.

Much like other titles on this list, players will be tasked with finding the usual secret achievements. If a player misses one, however, they can easily go back to any level with to find them. Aside from being very relaxing, the whole game can also be beaten in just between two to three hours.

1 Déraciné

It’s quite jarring to think a FromSoftware game of all things would be on a list like this, but, here we are. While not a traditional game like the others on this list, as it is a PSVR exclusive. Déraciné still deserves to be on this list due to how incredibly easy it is to acquire a platinum trophy.

Players only need to finish the main story, which is easy enough as the game is just about three hours to complete. It’s a charming game with an intriguing plot, so it’s well worth it to earn the platinum.

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