Kickstart a high-paying career in IT with this 100-hour bundle

Making the decision to take your career to the next level or start down the path toward an entirely new career altogether is never easy, but it’s unlikely that you’ll find a better time to make these big moves than right now—as the coronavirus has brought with it an unprecedented amount of downtime that can be used to pursue your dream job.

If you’re remotely interested in joining virtually any subfield of IT, however, you’re going to need to have the right credentials and certificates on your resume, and the Complete Cyber Security Certification Training Bundle will get you to where you need to be for any price you want to pay.

With over 100 hours of in-depth content taught by industry pros, this extensive training package will help you ace the exams for some of the most important and valuable certifications in the industry—all through instruction that can be viewed on all of your devices.

You’ll learn about both the fundamentals and more advanced elements of go-to IT industries and platforms including cloud security, ethical hacking, PenTest apps, auditing and more, and there are plenty of helpful guides and resources to ensure that you don’t fall behind.

Each training module is geared toward helping you land a specific certification—including the coveted CSP, CPEH, CISM, CISA, and CPTE certifications—and a wide range of practice tests and prep materials help to ensure that there aren’t any surprises when it comes time to sit for the real thing.

Start down the path toward an exciting and lucrative career in IT with the Complete Cyber Security Certification Training Bundle. Pay only what you want, and if that’s less than the average price you’ll still take home something great. Beat the average price and you’ll take home the entire bundle.

Prices are subject to change.


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