Animal Crossing New Horizons: Every Way To Get Non-Native Fruits On Your Island

In Animal Crossing: New Horizonseveryone starts out with one native fruit on their island: peaches, pears, apples, oranges, or cherries. These fruits will grow all over the island on trees and can be picked and replanted to make even more of them. No fruit grants one island more power or rewards than another — they’re all created equal, and the main battle for the more popular ones is purely down to aesthetic.

RELATED: Animal Crossing New Horizons: 5 Things That Are Bad Etiquette On Your Friend’s Island (& 5 It’s Usually Okay To Do)

However, once you gain a little ground in the game, it doesn’t matter what your native fruit is. There are ways you can have different fruits on the island, even all five — you could get rid of your native fruit altogether if that’s what you’re feeling! While it’s not suggested to do that, foreign fruits do sell for more on your island than your native one, so it’s in your best interest to try and grow as many as possible.

So how do you get these other fruits?

10 Pick Some When Using Nook Miles Tickets & Replant Them

In Resident Services, you can exchange 2000 miles for a Nook Miles Ticket. If you take this to the airport, Dodo Airlines will fly you to a neighboring island where you can forage for supplies, fish, bugs, whatever you like. On these islands, you will sometimes be able to find your sister fruit (for example, the sister fruit of pears is cherries). You can then pick them and take them home to replant, though you’ll never be able to find all the fruits on these islands — only your sister fruit.

The good news is that most of these islands will also have coconuts on the beaches, so be sure to pick up some of those too.

9 Or Dig Up The Whole Tree

When you have a good enough shovel a little later in the game, there’s no need to pick the fruit and replant them, waiting days for them to grow on your own island. You can eat another piece of fruit to give you strength and then dig up the whole tree and put it in your pocket.

Sure — the science of this mechanism doesn’t truly add up, but who cares? It’s much quicker to take a whole tree back from a neighboring island and plant it, since the fruit will be available right away. And once you’ve picked it, it will regrow.

8 Dodo Codes From Online Communities

Some online communities will give out their Dodo codes for many reasons such as good turnip prices, Celeste being available on the island, or to come and get some fruit. You can join up with one of these communities and ask for some fruit, or jump over to an island to get what you’re missing. It’s important to be clear that these people are okay with you taking the fruit, though. If someone is advertising their Dodo code because turnips are at 400 bells on their island and you just hop on over and start picking their fruit when fruit was never mentioned, that’s rude and a quick way to make enemies with this game.

Communities can be found on places like Reddit, Discord, or even just by searching the web. A lot of these communities will charge a fee and even when no fee is charged, it’s considered rude to go there without leaving a tip, so do your research about what tip is appropriate and be aware of the etiquette!

7 Friends Can Mail You Some

When you’ve visited someone’s island or they’ve visited yours, you’re then eligible to mail them things and vice versa. You can order them items from your catalog in Nook’s Cranny, or you can go down to the airport and send them a card with a gift attached.

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If you’re missing some fruit and a friend acquires it, they can send what you’re missing. They can attach up to ten fruits in one letter.

6 Trades

Not only can you trade with friends and find Dodo codes for online communities, you can set up trades.

Sites have come together to offer places where people can post what they’re willing to trade and how much they want for it. There, people will offer things such as non-native fruit for bells and as long as you aren’t trading things for real money, you aren’t breaking Nintendo’s terms of service. Win-win!

5 Going To Friends’ Islands & Picking Fruit To Replant

Of course, you can also go to your friends’ islands and pick the fruit! Much like using Dodo codes in online communities though, it’s important to be clear that your friend is okay with you taking the fruit, especially if it’s not fruit native to their island. That sells for a lot of bells, and you want to be clear they’re willing to part with it.

4 Or Maybe They’ll Be Kind Enough To Let You Take A Tree

Once you’ve been on an island with someone, you can also add them as a ‘best friend’. This allows you to dig on each other’s islands, so if maybe they’ll be kind enough to let you actually take a tree home with you…

3 Replant, Replant, Replant

The important thing about taking home fruit is to ensure that you replant lots of it. When one tree has sprouted three apples, don’t be tempted to sell them all just yet — plant them instead until you have a bunch of trees and although you’ll have to wait longer for the profit, it’ll be a much bigger one when it finally gets to you. It involves a little bit of patience at first, but it’s well worth it when you have ten trees growing apples instead of one.

2 & Be Careful About Location!

Be careful about where you plant the fruit! If you plant it too close to a river, it won’t grow. It’s also important to note that fruit trees cannot grow on sand except coconuts, and coconuts can’t grow on the grass. Don’t be that person who leaves something buried for three days, only to realize it was never growing at all.

1 Events?

Animal Crossing is forever adding new events to the game, so maybe there will come a time when these events involve getting some non-native fruit to the island. Since they’ve offered exclusive, limited edition items before — and need ways to keep people interested in the game — it’s not a stretch to think this might happen.

NEXT: Animal Crossing New Horizons: Worst Critters, Ranked


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