With Arcadia, anyone can reduce their carbon footprint in 2020

You don’t need to be a professional climate scientist to know that the Earth is in trouble, and reducing your home’s carbon footprint should rank high on your 2020 resolution list if you want to do your part and help save the world.

The only problem is that making even minor changes to your energy consumption usually requires changes to your utility routine that are both costly and headache-inducing—until now.

Arcadia drastically reduces the barrier to entry when it comes to using and supporting clean energy sources, and when you sign up today you’ll receive either a $20 Amazon gift card or four standard LED bulbs at no cost.

Unlike other clean energy platforms that require you to either switch utility companies or invest in expensive solar panels, Arcadia allows you to keep your existing utility plan while automatically connecting you to a variety of clean energy sources.

After scanning your area for a list of available clean energy companies, Arcadia gets to work connecting you with local community solar projects and purchases renewable energy certificates from wind farms on your behalf. Arcadia will also actively track the market and negotiate lower electricity rates so you can potentially spend less on your utility bill.

Your utility company sends Arcadia your electricity bill directly (so you won’t have to make any changes to your existing service plan), and it’s easy to track your usage with an intuitive dashboard that can be accessed on all of your devices.

Do your part to save the planet and maybe shave some money off your power bill in 2020 with Arcadia, and receive either a $20 Amazon gift card or four LED bulbs at no cost when you sign up today.


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