14 Call Of Duty Mobile Pro Tips For The Best Kills | Game Rant

FPS fans looking for a thrilling mobile experience can look at Call of Duty: Mobile to meet their shooter fix. Additionally, this mobile Call of Duty game takes in familiar elements from Activision‘s iconic FPS shooter and converts it nicely for mobile players to enjoy. Moreover, Call of Duty: Mobile players can fight in a vicious 100-person Battle Royale mode, play in teams of five in traditional Multiplayer, and even play as iconic Call of Duty characters such as John Price and Alex Mason.

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However, Call of Duty: Mobile also takes the familiar competitive spirit of classic Activision titles into this mobile title. As such, some players of this title tend to be just as skilled and brutal with their kills as their PC and console counterparts. Thankfully, new players can train to be just as good as them with some quick tips.

Updated March 8th, 2021 by Rhenn Taguiam: With the increasing popularity of the mobile game, players might benefit from more practical tips to outlast their opponents – both in the Multiplayer and Battle Royale setups of Call of Duty: Mobile. Thankfully, things such as proper preparation, patience, and aggro avoidance, and even a decent rotation could make a player’s performance much more efficient, regardless if it’s a team or a solo setup.

14 Multiplayer: Stick To Rotation 

Exploration is always key in an FPS, especially in a team deathmatch. After all, the sooner a team catches the enemy, the faster they get eliminated, right? While mostly correct, players who just zig-zag across the map will just add another death to their KDA. 

Instead, players should only come to a teammate’s aid if their presence can change the outcome of the firefight. If not, players should just stick to rotation. Well-coordinated teams likely know where their allies went. In turn, they’ll get an approximation of where the firefight happened and where enemies are headed. Players can use this information to adjust their rotation or even anticipate the enemy’s arrival. 

Multiplayer: Avoid The Aggro

In a team deathmatch, it can get tempting to just meet the enemy halfway and go all-out in the firefight. Thing is, this can risk the opponent getting more points and winning the match. Instead, players should avoid unnecessary aggro and only fight when necessary. Remember, time-based team deathmatches rely on the highest score to determine victory, even if both teams scored low.

Well-coordinated teams should try outlasting the enemy by only engaging from an advantage. This means players should likely attack an enemy if they’re sure to win, or if they know backup is on the way. Likewise, a team can take advantage of an aggressive enemy by backtracking and taking them by surprise. 

13 Multiplayer: Get Preferred Builds

Players who have the time should build preferred loadouts to adjust to any combat situation. In terms of mechanics, it’s recommended for players to get a primary weapon they can reliably aim with. Likewise, players can consider building loadouts with weapons with high ammo count, fast reload, and decent handling. Players also need to consider the map layout and their team’s general approach when choosing a build. 

For instance, players who want the range of a sniper with the kick of an assault rifle can get the ASM10. The HG40 boasts decent recoil for a mid-range SMG, perfect for high-stress encounters. 

12 Battle Royale: Know The Map

As with any operation, it helps to familiarize oneself with the map. That way, operatives know exactly where to go regardless of the situation. For fans of COD Mobile’s Battle Royale mode, it helps to know the Battle Royale map and its crucial locations. Essentially, certain locations serve as hotspots for loot or even great camping spots.

For instance, Downtown district has tall buildings that work as lookout spots. Likewise, players can get tactical advantage with potential high-tech loot from Black Market. Knowing these small hints allows players to make more informed decisions should they need to go elsewhere throughout the match. 

11 Battle Royale: Wait It Out

Players don’t necessarily have to actively kill other players in order to win the match. Sometimes, more strategic players build their arsenal silently while navigating the map. Essentially, players should switch hiding spots while the lethal circle pushes more survivors closer to each other. That way, players only encounter other enemies when necessary.

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Theoretically, players left with the last 10 or so survivors should have enough gear to take on any surprise threats. Moreover, players in hiding will always remain prepared to ambush an unsuspecting survivor. Granted, waiting it out means spending upwards of 15 minutes. However, this effort may all be worth it if that means becoming the sole survivor.

10 Optimize Settings Properly For Mobile

Unfortunately, shooters tend to be more precise than other games. Moreover, the simplest miscalculation in aiming can cost the entire match. In the case of mobile titles, even the simplest change in the settings can cause huge repercussions for players.

For instance, players with phones capable of Ultra HD graphics should check if they render high FPS. While Call of Duty: Mobile boasts great graphics, it’s FPS that matters in matches. Moreover, the game registers taps faster with higher FPS, which makes shots more accurate. Moreover, players should choose Advanced shooting in their Shooting Mode, as this makes both moving and shooting more precise.

9 Multiplayer: Play With Movement Mechanics

The game complements its fast-paced multiplayer mode with special movement controls. In Call of Duty: Mobile, players can lie down, crouch, and even sprint. Unfortunately, lying down leaves players vulnerable to other fast-moving enemies. However, crouching enables players to move around quickly.

Likewise, players can sprint by sliding up the forward controller or tapping the dedicated sprint button. This mechanic lets them run around faster with a bit of trade-off in terms of accuracy. Players should experiment with these movement mechanics and purchase their dedicated Perks: Skulker for crouching, and Light Weight helps with sprinting.

8 Multiplayer: Always Move Around

Call of Duty: Mobile optimized its multiplayer matches to happen fast, and this is evident with its general setup. For instance, enemies always have red “flashes” on their outfits, meaning hiding or lurking around won’t do much help. Moreover, UAVs can pinpoint opponents when activated. These caveats mean lurkers can easily be spotted regardless of the map.

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However, this factor also means players should learn how to move swiftly and react quickly to survive. For instance, players stay safer in firefights when they strafe, letting them fire their weapons while moving to safety. Given the absence of an adequate hide mechanic, players should duck in cover only to reload.

7 Multiplayer: Get Familiar With Scorestreaks

Unlike other multiplayer titlesCall of Duty: Mobile brings back its popular Scorestreaks to this mobile title. Like in its previous games, players unlock Scorestreaks when meeting certain kill numbers. However, this time, players can customize  Scorestreaks they want to equip. These include UAVs, Predator Missiles, Sentry Guns, and even the powerful XS1 Goliath armor.

All of these Scorestreaks offer something new to the battlefield and turn the tide of battle. As such, players should try tinkering with which Scorestreaks suit their playstyles best and learn how to adjust them depending on their team composition.

6 Multiplayer: Scorestreaks Aren’t Invincible

Players used to Call of Duty might remember pesky scorestreaks that reveal their position or launch choppers in their direction. While Call of Duty: Mobile returns with these mechanics, the new scorestreaks such as turrets and drones can prove annoying to players. However, they’re not invincible – they can actually be taken down.

Players facing VTOLs and stealth choppers can take them down with precision shots. For instance, players with LMGs or explosive arrows (via the Sparrow skill) can shoot these critters down with a few shots.

5 Battle Royale: Avoid First Contact

Since players can choose their dropzone on the map, they should avoid dropping in the more populous zone they notice. While it’s nice securing kills in these zones, it’s usually the players that get to weapon and armor crates the fastest that survive this round.

Instead, players should try to drop in emptier zones with few players. This strategy allows them to gather resources carefully and slowly build their arsenal until they eventually have to face other players. Not only does this increase their overall rank, but they may live up to the endgame.

4 Battle Royale: Maximize Specializations

Call of Duty: Mobile enables players to choose a class in the Battle Royale mode. These specializations provide players with special perks and skills they can use to up the ante in the match. For instance, the Clown works best against zombies by either giving them additional stealth or luring them into a trap. Meanwhile, the Defender can set up a barrier that can give cover to allies.

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The Mechanic can easily locate useful electronics or disable them with EMP. The Medic can launch a machine that heals multiple allies in AOE, while the Ninja can use a grappling hook to land stealth kills. Meanwhile, the Scout can track other enemies and the Poltergeist to become invisible.

3 Battle Royale: Revive Teammates For Extra Assist

Battle Royale mode becomes fun with teammates since these motivate squads to work together to beat other players. Moreover, when players die in a match, their teammates can scan their dog tags for these fallen players to parachute back in. Instead of letting teammates exit the game, players should actively try to revive their teammates for extra support.

After all, a team of four makes a 100-player Battle Royale mode turn into 4-vs-96 match. In terms of odds, 4-vs-96 is greater compared to 1-vs-96 with three teammates gone.

2 Battle Royale: Leave Enemy Dog Tags Alone

When players eliminate opponents from other squads, they should consider not leaving the area immediately. Instead, the player can wait behind cover to check if any of that person’s three teammates will try to retrieve their dog tag. Not only does this make for a potentially-easy kill, but this can easily help players eliminate entire squads in one firefight.

As such, revival becomes an entirely new mechanic in Battle Royale. While it’s helpful to revive a fallen teammate, comrades should also consider how vulnerable their position would be to enemy combatants.

1 Battle Royale: Pay Attention to Ammo

While it’s fun rushing to a firefight with class skills and awesome guns, players might find themselves exhausting their ammo quickly and find themselves in the losing side of a match. To avoid this setback, players should be mindful of the ammo they have and make sure to pick up the ammo they need for their particular weapons.

Moreover, players should start diversifying their weapon preferences in order to adjust to whatever ammo is available in the vicinity. This strategy makes players more adaptable in matches.

NEXT: 5 More Battle Royale Games Worth Your Time (& 5 To Avoid)


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