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Animal deck-builder Banners Of Ruin enters early access

31 7 月, 2020 Lauren Morton 0

In any situation where you can choose to have animals on your team you should definitely pick bears, which is part of what looks lovely about turn-based deck-building game Banners Of Ruin. You assemble a team of six grim-faced animal warriors, presumably meaning that I could pick six bears if I were so inclined—and oh […]

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Battletoads is launching at last on August 20th

31 7 月, 2020 Lauren Morton 0

Well look at that, your favorite 90s action amphibians finally have a release date for their return to headliner status, after that 2018 teaser and a couple cameos (in games including Obsidian’s recent effort Grounded). Your resident Battletoads Zitz, Rash and Pimple are back at last, whackin’ up baddies to their own tune on August 20th.